Chapter 1: Welcome to my world

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My name is Victorian, but I prefer Victor, if you don't mind. I'm 16 years old, live in a world with steam engines machines, weapons, and vehicles. But the one thing that bears importance to me is the watch my father gave to me before he was taken 2 years ago, it doesn't work, but, uh, sentimental value I guess. My social life is okay, I don't that many friends, but the ones I do have are nice enough and trustworthy. There's Adria, or A-A, as she prefers; Winter, who hates the name Summer; Adrian, with an "n", who I'm pretty sure (like 99.99% sure) is secretly dating Adria (or dreams to.); Sue, who've I've known the longest; and of course, your's truly.
"Victor, Victor, VICTORIAN!" Screams Adria.
"What?" I say back, "and I hate that name."
"I know, that's why I used it." Says Adria back, with a sly smirk.
"Right, sure, A-A." I say, a smirk on my face.
Back when I said Adria likes that name, she does, just only from Winter and Adrian (3 guesses why.).
"Shut it." I hear, it's Sue, which is no surprise.
"Glad to see you to Susan." I reply.
It's a normal school day, we just came from Engines and Programming Class, next we have Science.
"Did you guys study?" Asks a voice, it's Adrian.
"Hi!" Says Adria.
"Shocker..." I mumble.
"What was that, Castleton?" She says back, making a face that crosses Quiet and Don't mess with me.
"Nothing, nothing." I reply, feeling smug.
"Hello, kids!" Says Winter.
"Hey, where's Noremac?" I ask.
Noremac is my friend who makes this HILARIOUS show on this thing called Instagram. Not that many people have it.
"I'm here." He says.
"Great, then allons-y!" I say.
"What does that mean?" Asks everyone.
"It's French, for LET'S GO!" I reply, running down the hall before they can even catch up.

A.N.- Hey guys, I've decided to try something new with my stories. Tell me if you like this Steampunk idea. Don't worry, action is coming!

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