I was tagged(?)

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Ok, so meliketosmile4 tagged me for some tag thing, and I've decided to do it... So anyway, let's begin!

1. Do you like books?
Is Snape the Half-Blood Prince? (That's a yes.)

2. Have you ever been an accessory in a murder or been a murderer?
Luckily no, it's too much paperwork.

3. Do you eat meat?

4. Do/did you like school?
Yeah, I suppose.

5. Ever read My Immortal?
I. Mindlessly. Hated. Every. Second. Of. The. Torture. I. Went. Through. Whilst. Reading. That. (Though talking with other commenters was fun!)

6. Are you actually gonna do this tag?
What do you think?

7. Do you prefer pencil or pen?
Depends on the scenario, but usually pen. (If its erasable!)

8. Favorite Food?
Chimichangas. Or quiche. 🤔

9. Favorite Dessert?
Lemon meringue pie.

10. Have you ever written a failing story?
Yes, but I plan on making it better.

I tag:

No one. I don't want to annoy anyone.

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