Chapter 4: People are Annoying

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Rant Chapter

I am honestly so sick and tired of all these people. I am so done with people who think they can tell me what to do because they think that they are "better" than me. I am sick of them thinking that they can push me around. I am not your maid; I do not take your orders. I am also very sick of people messing with other people's feelings as if their feelings do not matter. I am so sick of everyone judging people because of what they think they know. I am sick of people not being treated the same because they don't have perfect teeth, clear skin, or perfect hair etc. You may get laughed at because the hottest guys at school do not like you or you are not friends with everybody in your class. You may be thinking who cares? My point is some people do care. That people should not care about the differences. But sadly some of today's messed up generation do care and do judge people for these minor differences. It should not matter if you are "popular" or "perfect looking." It really sucks for the people who just try to be themselves and be different than the "popular people" because all the "different people" want is friends and people who will not judge them. But you all are too busy judging them for being, well, them which is messed up. I am fed up with people saying or doing things and getting away with it. People really need to get it through their head that words do hurt!!!! I am fed up with people feeling like they cannot stand up for themselves against that one person because they have strong feelings towards that one person despite what that person is doing to them. One day you are going to have to stand up for yourself you cannot keep letting this happen to yourself. You cannot let them treat you this way it is so unfair to you. You deserve to be treated the best you can be so kick the bad people in the bum and kick them out of your life. Do not let them walk all over you. Stand your ground because if you do not more and more people will think it is okay to walk all over you. There is going be an opportunity for you to take a stand and walk away and honey I hope you take that chance as much as it is going to hurt you it will be for your benefit trust me. You do not want to waste your time being treated like that.

Note: This is a rant chapter so it is supposed to be a little more all over the place.

Inspiration: This jock at my school who thinks I praise the ground he walks on.
Please follow, vote, a comment. Stay Beautiful. Stay Positive. All my love. -Kaitlynn
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