Chapter 10: Acceptance

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Accepting things is probably one of the hardest things in life. Accepting that it just simply does not work anymore. Maybe even the fact that it cannot work. Realizing that things will probably never go back to how they were before. That is one of the most miserable parts. Waiting and waiting around for a call or text that you'll never get because he accepted it. It's hard to accept something you never wanted to happen. Days, week, maybe even months go passing by. All this time drags by and you are still moping around waiting for the pain to go away. You are now desperate and you are trying everything to get your mind off of it. You try to get yourself to accept it but it feels almost impossible for you to accept it and move on. People understand that it is hard. If they do not get it now one day they will. One day when it happens to them then they will be sorry for pushing you so hard. But that's okay! It is okay to not be okay! That is part of the process of being okay. It gets a lot worse before it gets better. I am not gonna lie and say it is easy for everyone to accept drastic changes because that would be a huge lie. For some people it may be easy and for some it may be exceedingly difficult. But that is okay! Nobody is standing there telling you it is time to accept it. Nobody is begging you to move on. Nobody should be saying that it is time to be okay. If they are they should not because you cannot speed up the process. You simply cannot. It is pretty much impossible. The only one putting pressure on you is you. You just need to let nature take its course. Time is the best healer and soon you too will realize it.

Why is accepting such a hard thing?
Accepting is hard because it's getting used to a change in your life that you probably never wanted to happen.

Do you truly believe that in the future it will be easier to accept other truths?
Well I think that acceptance is never really easy and it never really gets easier with experience so to say. I think every time you have something to accept it's just as hard as the last time depending on the severity of the situation needing acceptance.

Is acceptance giving up? (Part 1 of question)
Well no. Acceptance is really just learning to live with the fact that things are no longer how they used to be. It is essentially just moving on.

Is accepting giving up in the belief to make things right? (Part 2 of question)
Well maybe in some ways it could be viewed as giving up hope. But some situations are not worth fighting for if the other person is not fighting back. I feel as if it is more learning to be without something you thought you needed.

When does accepting become dangerous?
I don't really think accepting things can be dangerous I think accepting helps you be better.

Can we live in the non-accepting?
Yes, of course you can. I personally would not advise living that way. Living in the land of non-accepting is probably unhealthy because eventually you have to move on and not mope about it forever. Accepting does not mean forgetting. It simply means moving forward.

Do we choose to accept?

Is accepting an easy path?

Is accepting easier than making things as they used to be?
I would say yes and no. Yes because making things as they were isn't always a possible outcome. No because accepting is a very hard thing to do.

Why did you choose this topic?
I chose this topic because I feel like it's a thing a lot of people struggle with.

Note: I hope this helped you guys learn some of my views and opinions on life.

Inspiration: I wanted to help people realize how hard it can be.


A special thank you to the two people who submitted questions. Also if you like Q & A's about the chapter topic comment below and let me know. I hope you are enjoying the book so far, if you are follow, vote, and comment. Stay Beautiful. Stay Positive. All my love, -Kaitlynn

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