Fanfic Awards

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Hey babies!

So I'm nominated for Best OGOC/OMAHA fanfic AND IM LIKE FREAKING OUT BCS I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD BE! BUT HEY! The nomination is for A.M.

So please go to @thefanfictionawards and vote for me by adding +1 in the comments next to my nomination! You can vote as much as you want so please get crazy! I would appreciate that so much you have no idea!

Check on my profile for a message from @thefanfictionawards if you can't find their profile! So far I'm second to a Shawn Mendes fanfic! I know WE can win this guys so please vote!

I promise to double update today! <3 just because you guys are amazing!

Thank you and ilysm guys!


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