Owari no Seraph - Mika x Yuu

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Yuu was awakened by fumbling from the other side of the room, a very faint sound that a normal person would probably not even notice. By reflex he shoved his hand under his pillow and unsheathed his katana, arm stretching towards the sound, blade sparkling in the dim moonlight that entered through the window. The second he saw him, he regretted pulling out his sword. Mika was sitting on the floor, curled up with his knees pressed to his chest and one hand firmly gripping his own neck, looking so miserable it broke Yuu's heart.
"I'm sorry..." Yuu whispered, returning the weapon to it's respective holder. Asuramaru could continue sleeping peacefully for now.
Mika hummed in response and pressed himself further back against the wood frame of the bed.
"What are you doing?" Yuu asked, sitting up straight on the bed.
"Trying to kill myself..." The answer was quick, murmured through a clenched jaw, so serious that if Yuu didn't know him so well, he'd say that was the truth. Maybe it was indeed the truth...
The green eyed boy let out a small, dry chuckle.
"Don't be stupid." He tossed, watching the vampire.
His eyes, once the purest blue, seemed to glow in the darkness. A crimson, dangerously luring glow. Yuu couldn't find the strength within himself to look away. His gaze was so intense. As a child, Mika had the gentlest gaze but now his red eyes held so much pain within them. Suddenly, he realized the blonde was shaking. His hand gripped his throat tighter and he curled up even further. He was thirsty, huh?
"Mika... Come here." Yuu whispered, lifting one hand to tug his shirt further away from his neck.
Mika whimpered faintly, head dropping forward, locks of blonde hair hiding away his eyes. Yuu couldn't see his expression anymore. What was he thinking about? He needed it. He opened his mouth to call him again, maybe even reason with him, but it wasn't necessary. The vampire moved swiftly, launching himself onto the human, biting down on his neck. Yuu groaned softly at the impact but wrapped his arms around Mika, pulling both of them further up so he could lean his back against the headboard of the bed. He could hear Mika gulp down his blood, feel the weight of his warm body against his own, hear his faint whimpers muffled against his skin. His shoulders were shaking and soon Yuu could feel his warm tears drip onto his shoulder. He moved one hand, gently running his fingers through the vampire's blonde hair.
"Man, what a crybaby you turned out to be..." He whispered, noticing the grip of the others hands on his his shirt tighten.
Yuu let out a small snort, closing his green eyes.
"It's okay, Mika... It's okay..." He whispered, continuing to run his fingers through the others hair.
He didn't mind. That didn't feel wrong. If it was Mika, it was okay. He didn't mind his fangs piecing his skin or the weight of his body upon his. He didn't mind how his strength seemed to slowly, very slowly, leave him with every gulp Mika took nor the lightheadedness when he moved away.
"I'm sorry..." Mika whispered, lips stained of blood, tears still crawling down his cheeks.
Yuu shook his head, moving his hands to cup the other's cheeks, wiping away a few tears with his thumbs.
"There's nothing to be sorry for." He responded softly.
That was his way to atone for all the pain he had caused Mika when he so selfishly forced him to become a vampire.
Mika closed his crimson eyes, cleaning away the blood from his lips with the back of his hand, leaning into Yuu's touch. His touch felt good, so familiar, so warm.
"There's a lot to be sorry for..." Mika whispered, leaning into Yuu's chest.  

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