Chapter One

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"Stephanie! Come on! You're 17 turning 18 in high school! Why don't you ever go out and live a little? Go to a party?" My "best friend" Tiffany proclaimed as she tried to pull me out of my bed. I was reading until she came into my house at 6pm uninvited wearing a black, sparkly, strapless dress that hugged her figure and ended a few inches above her knees. I just laughed at her weak attempts of pulling me out of bed.

"Tiffany, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm never going to a party? Especially the ones with alcohol and," I shuddered at the thought, "Boys."

"Stop being such a child! They're not going to give you cooties." She scoffed as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"That's not what I meant! And you know that. I'm just, not good at or comfortable with interacting with boys."

I've never been one to talk to boys. Especially the good looking ones. Or the really good looking ones. I'm just shy and awkward and just, antisocial. The only reason why I'm best friends with Tiffany is because we were childhood best friends like my blonde mom and her mom were. My blonde mom practically forced me to go to the same high school as her just to reunite. To be honest, I didn't even want to "reunite" with her. The last time I saw her was when I was in grade six before we moved houses and she was always so mean to me; teasing me about how I looked. I mean, just because she had golden blonde hair with ocean blue eyes and I had dark brown hair with grey eyes doesn't mean she had the right to make fun of me! Different people have different opinions on appearances but hers was completely cruel! How could she just tell me that dark brown hair made me look boring and that grey eyes are dull like they were compliments? I swear, once I find the courage I'm going to -

"Uhm, Steph? You alright? You've been glaring at that wall for minutes. . . You must have some serious problems."

"Tiffany, shut up. I'm not going to that party or any party at that, so can you leave?"

"Woah, what's with the 'tude Ms Sassypants?"

Come on, Steph. Deep breathes. Don't give her the satisfaction and you sure don't want to piss her off. Just count in your head.

1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . . 5. . .

Alright, I think I'm good.

"I'm sorry, Tiff. I didn't mean to be rude but you know that I don't like going out to parties. Why do you keep on trying to make me?" I inquired once I knew I was completely calm. I did mean to be rude but I didn't want her to know that. She's the "most popular" and "prettiest" girl at Red River High. If I pissed her off, I'd be the most hated girl in school.

She scoffed as she placed her right hand on her hip. "Fine, if you don't want to go then don't. I'll be out partying. Have fun sulking around in your room."

I sighed once she slammed the white door to my room and my home's front door.

God, she has an attitude. And she calls me "Ms Sassypants." Look who's talking! She's been out partying almost every day of the week for two months. She usually doesn't party this much but since she started dating this guy in college, she's been going to all kinds of parties and clubs. One day, she's going to get caught for underaged drinking. Everyone knows its illegal to drink under the age of 18 here in Canada, but not everyone chooses to follow that law. Those people, are who I like to call: idiots.

I especially hate those people who do idiotic or illegal things because "YOLO." That "motto" is not to promote doing illegal things, it's to promote doing something that you've always wanted to do. Something that you want to do before you die because you only live once. Something like kissing your longtime crush, or travelling to your number one destination, or sky diving, or skinny dipping with someone you love! Anything but something illegal.

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