Chapter Five

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Even though it's already last period, I still haven't seen anything else suspicious besides the fact that Tiffany and Drew had arrived early this morning. Maybe there wasn't something suspicious going on. Maybe it was just me being paranoid.

As the final bell rang, I gathered up all my things and walked out of class with my books held close to me and my head facing the floor in front of me. I tried to walk as fast as I could without feeling like I'm about to fall forward and without seeming suspicious.

When I got about six feet away from my locker, I saw both Tiffany and Drew standing there by my locker. They were just standing there, talking by my locker as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Maybe I wasn't being paranoid.

"Um, hi Tiffany," I greeted confused. "What are you doing here?" I felt it would be easier to talk to Tiffany rather than Drew.

"No reason in particular. Am I not allowed to meet you at your locker?"

"Don't you need to get some stuff from your locker?"

"Nope, already did that."

"How did you get it so quickly?"

"What is with all the damn questions? Can't I do anything nice for you without you thinking that there's something weird going on? Jeez Steph. Do you think I'm that bad of a friend?"

"No, no of course not. It's just that, you've never met me at my locker at the end of the day. Plus, he's here with you."

"And I'm still here," Drew butted in.

"So? We're friends, Steph," Tiffany replied, ignoring Drew's comment.

Tiffany then rolled her eyes and I couldn't help but do the same when I turned to open my locker. But before I could even turn the lock at all, Drew reached past me and pulled on the lock, opening it. I turned my head a little to face him and he just gave me an innocent smile. Did he really remember my lock numbers? Either way, I opened my locker and returned whatever I didn't need and grabbed the rest of the things I did.

"Um, so do you have anything planned for today?" I asked Tiffany after I closed my locker and started walking.

"No, but we do. . ."

Tiffany wasn't being specific so I just automatically assumed that 'we' meant her and Drew since, you know, they're friends.

But something boggled my mind when Tiffany said that they were friends. Probably because she said that they were friends when Drew, when we first met, said, and I quote, "I'm a close friend of hers. . . ish." They couldn't possibly have gotten closer over the two days that I've known him, could they? I mean, it's not like I'm with either one of them every hour of every day so I wouldn't really know what they do when they're not with me. I could guess, but I wouldn't actually know.

"So, um, where are you going?" I inquired.

"What do you mean? You're coming with us," Tiffany replied. After she did, I quickly turned my head to look at her while still walking.

"What? Who said I could go? And if I could go, where would we go?" I questioned.

Why would Tiffany make plans for the three of us? If she was going to hang out with Drew, I thought that she wouldn't have invited me. She usually says that I just drag her down because I shy away from the guys that try to talk to me and I follow her around like a lost dog (two things that I actually do when she tries to bring me places).

"You'll see when we get there, Steph."

"But I've got a ton of homework to do and I want to do it as soon as I can. . . I don't think I can go with you guys, sorry. . ."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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