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Seán rolled his eyes, he liked to be called Jack, that's what his Mom called him. He sighed remembering her, looking around his empty room and cuddling a large, blue hoodie that she used to wear. That is before she died.

"Yeah Dad?"

"C'mon son, get yer' bloody boxes downstairs before 5!"

Jack sighed again, just about every Irishman swore, or had their favorite swear word. Jack's was bastered. His just loved it. For whatever reason.

He stood up, placing the hoodie on the bed next to him and began bringing the boxes downstairs. They were mainly clothes that consisted of hoodies (mainly green), polo shirts (mainly green), and jeans (mainly a faded blue).

After hauling the boxes downstairs Jack retrieved his phone, the blue hoodie and a round green ball with a tail, it looked like an eye ball, he slowly made his way to the door, sad to be leaving home, he's lived there all his life, just gone 16 years.

"Aye boy, wha' ye doin' takin' t'at toy? Yer' 14 and 'half fur' Gods sake"

Jack sighed again.

"I'm 16 Dad, I turned 16 two weeks ago today."

Jack's dad rolled his eyes and used his muscular arms to carry out the box with the plates and cutlery in.

"In t'e car boy!"

Still fixated on his phone, Jack slowly walked to the car and sat in the front seat, there were three seats, Jack used to sit in the middle, or sometimes out on the back, it's a pickup truck, that's why they didn't need a moving van.

Jack set his phone down and pulled his small knees to his chest in the car seat, looking out at his small cottage of a house. He closed his eyes allowing a small, warm tear to flow. He didn't have any friends in the world, all his friends at school told him to: "Fack off ya motherfucker! Go hang with ya cunt ass American friends"

Jack's dad climbed in the car and started it up, soon after they were driving off and Jack's life was fading into the distance.

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