Chapter 4:

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After supper, Putzie walked upstairs to his brother's room and crawl on Phil's bed. "May I help you sir?" Phil asked his little brother.

"Phil, what's a crush?" Putzie asked him.

Phil looks up at his younger brother.

"A crush?" Phil asked. "Well a crush is...when you um...start to have these um..."

He didn't want to tell his little brother what crush was. He was only 4 years old and pretty smart for his age.

"Putzie, a crush is something when someone has feelings for that person." Phil told him.

"Oh, but how do you tell them that you love her?" Putzie asked.

"Well you just wait till the special time to tell her that you love her." Phil said.

"Oh, ok." Putzie said climbing out of the bed.

Putzie ran out of the room and Phil knew that his own little baby brother has his very first crush on Jan.

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