prologue ❁✿

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"But even so, for love; I will fight for love."


Garroth : Soulmates are too mainstream.

Aph : what r u talking about :I

Garroth : I mean, everyone has them.

Aph : it's only inevitable taht we have soulmates .-.

Aph: it's a part of us

Garroth : Right.

Garroth : It's just... weird. Like, how did the concept even start?

Aph : ur  overthinking, ro'meave

Garroth : You think too little, Phoenix.

Aph : yeah, yeah

Garroth : One affirmation is enough, m'lady.

Aph : fiiiiiine

Aph : n-yways, it's getting p late

Aph : imma log off for the night

Garroth : Good night, Jess.

Aph : good night, my prince

Aph logged off.

Garroth logged off.


"There's a reason that we met. One day, you said that, didn't you?"


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