Chapter ten

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There was not half as many people upstairs as there were down stairs but there were still guards and chances of getting caught. So why is Jonathan helping us Doctor James asked. He knows what those people do to the kids in there and he's a good person so even if we did send a bunch of crawlers at him he still would help us I said. I know but just you guys no one else Doctor James asked again. Well I guess we were the closest and he can't save every one that would be impossible without someone noticing ally added. We walked a little further and tried not to draw attention to our selfs. All right there it is foot locker right past there is the exit he told us about. He he also said they will be there who is they? ally asked. We were still unsure of who he was talking about earlier they could mean guards, crawlers, or the people on the buss were supposed to catch. I don't know I said to ally but What i do know is we will find out when we get there. We headed past foot locker and took the turned and there it was the exit except we weren't going to actually exit since there were to guards standing there. Oh dam we should have seen this coming obviously there would be guards here. Oh shit now what ally said madly. She gets like this some times mad at little things even tho this was not such a little thing this might be our only opportunity to get to our families so she would still get mad. No maybe this is what Jonathan meant by they Doctor James suggested. So what do we do go and ask them ally said back. I don't how else will we know I mean he would not send us hear if we were just going to get cought Doctor James explained. Well you can go ask them I'm not getting Caught and sent back to that mattress place and get drained ally snapped back in a bitchy way. I know she did not mean to be rude to him but she was just frustrated at this hole thing I new we all were. Doctor James started at ally and did not say anything back for a while. Then he looked over to were the guards were to stared there for a while until he noticed something. I think I know who they are he said staring past the guards out the clear exit doors to the mall. Umm Doctor James what are you looking at? I asked him. He continued to stare out the window still not staying anything. Earth to Doctor James you there ally asked. Then he finally looked back over to us and said crawlers they mean's crawlers. He knows what we made them do before he thinks we can do it again or something he said. So we're supposed to send all those crawlers in here to what create a distraction while all these innocent people get attacked by them. Hey I'm not agreeing with it but I'm sure that's what he was most likely talking about Doctor James said. Ok there's only one way to find out and Jonathan said we don't have that much time so follow my lead ally said. Wait what are you.... Shhh stay there I'm going to distract the guards ally said cutting me off. Before we could do anything the guards saw he and now she was on the ground yelling calling for help! They ran over and asked what had happened. She yelled out that a crawler got her and bite her! I was not sure if they bite but we have never seen it before and they obviously did not know a lot about them and bout that lie quickly. Now many people were coming over ally was an amazing actor I've never seen her do this before. She's usually pretty chill, cool and calm well when she's not mad but I've never seen this side of her. As they looked at her arm searching for a cut or bite mark that was not there we quickly moved down the hall way toward the door. I'm really getting tired of crawlers I said to Doctor James. I know me to but once we do this I'm sure we will be sneaking out of here and on that rocket. As I opened the door I looked back to see ally getting carried off away into the distance. She looked back and me and kinda just nodded her head witch was telling me you can do it. I did not hesitate I ran right out of there after Doctor James. Before I knew it we were calling the crawlers once again just like we had did earlier. That's when I heard the walkie-talkie go off that was clipped onto the side of my pants. Bryan ally come in I heard. Busters ears went up as he sniffed were the walkie-talkie was attached to my pants. Yeah I said back. Are you guys all most here we will be leaving in a little bit. Umm sorta I said back. Well did you guys get Doctor James and buster. Yep but I think we lost ally. What why is she ok he said worried. Oh Bryan we got to go the crawlers.... Shh hold on I'm trying to talk to Jonathan I said cutting Doctor James off. She sorta was the distraction so we could get by the guards to the crawlers because that was what you were talking about. Umm Bryan... Wait hold on I said cutting him off again not paying attention to what he was trying too say. No no I was not talking about the crawlers I was talking about the guards he said back. Oh wait why I said confused and a little worried. Because I told them you were coming, there agenst all this to I told them to help you. Why didn't you just say that instead of just staying they! I said into the walkie-talkie angrily. Bryan we gota go now Doctor James said pulling me by my arm and back trough the door. I realized now what he was trying to say the crawlers they had heard us and we're following our voices. As we ran in the doors they shut before the crawlers came crashing into them. But then just then they came straight thought them straight thought the glass and into the mall. They heard voices and began to listen and follow. Oh no shit no! I yelled. We were not supposed to do this we were supposed to talk to the guard I can't believe I did this! Hey it's not your fault i was the one who saw the crawlers and told you about them it's mine now come on let's go. We began to run as buster followed like always and the crawlers got closer. As they did I dropped my walkie-talkie and didn't have time to grab it. Oh great now I have to get that I yelled. No the crawlers are coming there's no time he said pulling me along trough the hall and back down the escalator. This is awful we messed up big time I said more Angry than ever. I could imagine how Jonathan was trying to reach us and probably thinking something bad could have happened. But now we were not the only ones who noticed the crawlers everyone was and so we're the guards. Not before long we heard code read I repeat this is a code red crawlers are in the building take cover!" It was all over the mall speakers. Oh gosh this is not good dam we are so stupid I said. Hey no were not maybe this plan will still work create a distraction to get to the bus ok so don't get mad Doctor James said trying to calm me down. But even if I was starting to calm down I couldn't now cause once I looked over to check on buster he was gone! I scanned the area and found him far away sniffing the floor in the middle of the crawlers and the guards running everywhere. Buster I called out but he just sniffed the ground and kept moving the opposite direction. We ran after him trying to avoid the guards and especially the crawlers. Once We cought up to him I grabbed his collar so he could not get any farther. What's gotten into you buster I said as he picked his head up from sniffing and pulled away from me holding him. I thought he had smelled something someone was cooking or a snack because he always knows whens there's food if it's a mile away or just down stairs in our kitchen. Buster common we got to go there's crawlers everywhere we're going to get hurt and we need to find ally! I said. Right as I said ally he pushed his nose back onto the ground and began sniffing all over again. But I realized something he usually does not sniff on the ground when he's looking for food, but usually in the air. That's when I thought has he got ally's sent? Does he understand that we're trying to find her. I asked Doctor James what he thinks and he told me golden retrievers were very intelligent dogs he should know he said he had one before the dog he has now. We decided to follow him cause if he does know we're ally is we need to know cause this mall wasn't exactly small. We followed him awhile keeping quiet as crawlers attacked people and guard shot them until we reached and elevator witch led to the basement were the workers, air conditioning, heating and all that kind of stuff was. Don't not enter restricted area. We headed onto it and waited until we reached the bottom and we were so surprised and scared at what we had found even buster backed up in fear. Oh my... God Doctor James said finishing my sentence. What the hell is this he said pushing me back toward the elevator. I have no idea I said staring at all the doctors or what I thought were doctors. They had some kind of collar around many many crawlers and some kind of a remote controlling them zapping them and training them. I think there training them or trying to make them a weapon so once we do face off the aliens they will be prepared Doctor James said. He was definitely brilliant because I saw it to they were wiping them and making them do things they want. Just like when you give a dog a treat and make them sit or shake there paw except the treat was being zapped if they don't do what there told.. Do you think ally is down here I said getting a chill down my back. I have no idea but I don't want to stay down here any longer look he said pointing out. It was like some kind of gas chamber they used back then that they were sending a few crawlers in the ones that were not behaving. This was insane like some kind of sick time out of death. Me and Doctor James were scared but I was not leaving not without ally.

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