Chapter twenty

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We were in that room all night it was pretty creepy and cool at the same Time. cause it actually felt like we were in the spaceship. They woke us up at 8 to start up training again. The only thing is that I barely got any sleep In there it was just hard with all those people I didn't know and well you can't really get any sleep when you know your family might be in danger. Alright hope everyone slept good cause we got a long day ahead of us the guy said walking over. I had noticed a kid walked weirdly like he was going to fall or something. That's when he came over and just fell straight to the ground as if he had passed out. but I realized that he probably got no sleep that night just like me. Oh shit did he just pass out the guy said going over to get a pulse. No he's just tired he was up all night a girl said. Oh yeah that's who I herd crying another guy said. Haha what a wimp another said. Yeah like come on don't be a pussy! Man up another kid said. Hey alright that's enough the guy said, he obviously didn't get enough rest and is now tired and can't participate in today's training. He went over and smacked him across the face just as I did to doctor James yesterday. Wha what's happening? He said opening his eyes ever so slightly. I'm sorry but your out kid your not going up to space if you can't handle that you definitely won't be able to handle it up in space. Wait just give me another... But before he could finish he feel asleep. As we headed over to our training to guys carried him away and now 8 of us remained yes I know I'm shocked I'm still here to. We got some weird astronaut food right before we started to get us used to it. It wasn't that bad either to me and after we finished Then we went to the next simulator. we had to do was we put an astronaut suit on and were in a room with zero gravity and had to retrieve a bunch of different things with in a minute. Okay Bryan you can't lose this now we can't be the next people to leave ally explained. Ok I will try but you know I'm no good while being timed and under so much pressure. I know that's why I'm telling you it's going to be okay you can do it she then said. Yeah but we both know I'm not getting up into space. Hey stop don't talk like that you are and you will. Um are you going kid the guy asked behind me. Yeah I am I was just... No time for talk just so now get in the simulator he said cutting me off. This was a complete dick head I had realized but he never does this to ally he's actually way nicer to her. Don't pay attention to him just get up there and pass this test she said cheering me on as I started to walk in. I put the suit on and before I new it he closed the door and turned the gravity off. He have me the hymns up when the timer started there was about 8 small items. There was a tooth brush, toothpaste, a book, a plastic plate, a granola bar, a cup, a rope, and a bag of astronaut nuts. I know there's not a lot but it was hard to grab everything. I grabbed the rope and put it around my arm then the granola bar and nuts to put them in my pocket. It toke me a while to get to the tooth brush and toothpaste but I put them in my other pocket. At that point there was 30 seconds left. I then got the plastic plate and the cup I just put them in my shirt cause I needed my hands for the last item the book. I notice there was 10 seconds left and I had to hurry. I saw ally yelling I couldn't hear her from inside here tho. Right as I grabbed it it flew across to the other side I new that the guy had did that I saw his hand on a button and smiling. At this point I was so frustrated and went as fast as I could to grab the book when I noticed ally was pointing a screaming I couldn't hear but then saw it an alien that got lose. But I grabbed the book and realized I had grabbed it right after the timer was done but he had not noticed. The simulation ended and I fell straight on my ass. As I did they had allready grabbed the alien I can't believe I'm saying this but thank you alien cause I passed I grabbed the book after the timer ended and who knows if he would have let me stay. I ran out and ally high five'd me and then hugged me. I saw that you did amazing and thanks to the alien you passed she said laughing a bit. I know fight I did it. It was then ally's turn and nothing really exciting happened she just grabbed all the items way before the timer was done and yeah if course he was impressed with again big surprise. After that we went to about 5 more simulators that were all so hard and challenging along with trying to keep from falling asleep. Eventually we made it to our last and final test I was so relieved. Except this might be the hardest one. It was a long long hallway in the basement area of nasa. It was a simulation that tested to see if you can withhold the speed of a rocket. Of course it didn't get to the exact speed but it got close. There was a radio to talk to the guy Incase they couldn't handle it and if they couldn't they we're not going up into space. The first kid was about 16 and he couldn't handle it he was half way and was yelling and screaming in the radio to stop. So now there was about 6 of us left. The next girl made it and then 2 other girls made it through almost th roughing up at the end tho. Then the last kid went and he made it. It was then ally's and my turn. I went first he asked if I wanted to turn back but I just faced forward and gave the thumbs up and before I knew it I was soaring across the building. I screamed as loud as I could holding on for dear life it was the fasted I've ever gone. I realized that I was not tired anymore that had woke me up. He kept asking if I wanted to turn back but I said no I need to finish. It was then I realized I was going to puke I held it in as long as I could until it was finished it can to a complete stop. My heart was pounding so fast I was frozen in the seat then I did it I puked it a bucket. But I had made it I did it what I thought I never could I was going into space. But was ally only one way to find out see if she made it. When I got back to the start I saw ally crying it was tears of joy she ran over and hugged me once again. You did it I new you could see she said. Yeah I guess I did that was crazy but kind of fun actually like I roller coaster I said laughing. Okay ally your up the guy said opening the door. Okay here I go wish me luck she said breathing in and out heavily. She got in and before I new it she was gone it had taken off once again. I herd her screaming like I had but she was screaming louder and higher. Almost half way though she said I want to get out please stop it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing I couldn't let her stop not now we've come to far! No no I screamed running over before he could shut it off. Hey kid she can't handle it I'm stopping it. But I punch him and grabbed the radio. Ally it's me Bryan do you hear. Yess Bryan stop this thing please she yelled. No I'm sorry ally your all most to the end I'm not going into space without you please ally! No I can't I can't make it she said. I had hers her puke but then just then she made it all the way till the end. Are you crazy she could have passed out or gotten hurt he said slapping me hard across the face. When ally hot back she looked sick and mad. She ran over to me u thought she was going to be so furious but instead she kissed me right on the lips. I couldn't believe it what she was doing. Of course I liked it but I was so surprised. Thank you she whispered to me. Okay well even tho that was not allowed and she should not be going up you all made it all 6 of you are going up into space congratulations. That's when scientists were running in yelling trying to warn us something. You guys need to see this there here there here I guy said. They were all running in to wear we were, I then saw Doctor James and savanna coming over to us. What the hell is happening I asked so confused. Come check this out Doctor James said pulling me and Ally over to window. We looked out there had to be almost a thousand crawlers out there there were all trying to get into nasa but I didn't understand why? I then saw 2 no 3 alien space ships coming down it looked as if the top part was controlling them some how. Is that controlling... Yes indeed Doctor James said cutting ally off. We were wrong the hole time they wanted to control us and make us there slaves. Hey you Four you Mae it into space come on were launching the space ship a little earlier a doctor said running over to us. We we're then running with him toward the space ship. I couldn't believe it they were on to us they know we're trying to go against them and now it's time this is war!

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