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I curse under my breath as I look up and down the empty street. I knew I should have fired her as soon as she started giving me those cold looks and became distant. I look at the time on my watch which reads: 22:57. 

The only possessions I have on me are my phone, my purse and my backpack. And my phone is of no use as it died on the plane. As soon as I landed I was picked up by a driver, as per usual when I'm travelling. He drove us here and then pointed a gun at me telling me to get out. I didn't hesitate to and got out, taking my small but fashionable backpack and purse with me. Now I'm stuck here with nowhere to go. The worst part is, is that it started raining a few minutes after I was stranded here.

I look up to see a car heading my way. It's probably going to drive on like the other cars that have driven past me. To my surprise though, it slows down. The passenger window rolled down and a very attractive face appears. "Do you need some help?" The man asks and I can immediately tell he's a werewolf, and by the tone of his voice, a pretty high ranking one. 

 "If it isn't too much trouble." I give him a smile. He nods and unlocks the doors. I quickly open and get in, embracing the warmth as he closes the open window. "So," I ask. "Do you always ask young women if they need help in the middle of a storm?" He gives me a half smile. 

 "Do you always need help from young men in the middle of a storm?" I laugh. 

 "Touché." I hold out my hand. "Vixen Indigo." Taking my hand, he replies back. 

 "Beta Zander Hendrix." I bow my head in respect. 

 "It's lovely to meet you Beta."

 "Likewise. And, just Zander is fine." He says as he pulls away from the curb and starts driving. "So, what are you doing outside, in the middle of the night during a storm?" I sigh and recite the story of how I ended up on the side walk. He growled and I notice his knuckles start to turn white from gripping the wheel too tightly. 

"Who do you think did this?"

 "I know it was my personal assistant, and she's fired as soon as my phone is charged." 

 "Do you have a place to stay?" I shake my head. 

 "Give you a guess who's in charge of organising those kinds of thing for me." 

 "Why would she do that to you?"

 "She's human and her boyfriend of a year and a half told her that the only reason why he was with her was because he wanted me. He hoped that he would be my mate." 

 "And was he?" I shake my head. "If you want, you know, you can stay at my apartment." 

 "That's not necessary, you could just drop me off at some hotel." He shakes his head. 

 "Can't, they're all full because of the storm." I sigh. 

 "Okay then. I'll stay at your place if it isn't too much trouble." 

 "None at all." I smile and thank him we drive in silence for a few minutes until Zander breaks the silence. "What are you doing here in New York?"

 "I have a photo shoot in the morning." His eyebrows raised and he turned to me. 

 "You're a model?" 

 "Supermodel." I corrected. "One of the best in the world." He nods, impressed and faces the road, taking a right turn. "What do you do?"

 "Have you heard of Pierce Incorporated?" I nod. "I'm the vice CEO. But when boss-man isn't there, I take over."

 "I'm impressed." He pulls up next to an expensive looking building. "Can I take a guess and say you live in the penthouse?" he laughs and nods. He gets out and walks around, opening my door before I could. He leads me into the building, throwing the car keys to a werewolf standing by the door, telling him to park the car. The wolf nods and walks out. "Do you live alone?" I ask when we enter the elevator. 

The Beta's HalfWhere stories live. Discover now