Prologue 2.1

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They entered the Beta's penthouse late in the night, after spending hours taking pictures and shooting the advertisement. Zander had never been so tired... or sexually frustrated. He had spent practically fourteen hours with Vixen pressed up against his body, it had been a perfect fit. He wasn't going to lie and say he wasn't attracted deeply to her. He had known her little over twenty-four hours but she affected him more than any other woman ever had. From her long red hair, to her slim yet curvy body and legs that never seemed to end. He could imagine them wrapped around his waist as he... God. He needed to stop his train of thought before he turned around and did what his body and wolf told him to do. His wolf had never wanted anybody before. He had always told him to wait for their mate and he agreed wholeheartedly. He doubted his mate would want him as much if she found out he had fucked half the city's population. If her virtue was not in tact he would accept her, he would also kill the bastards who she'd fucked, but he'd accept her.

"How was today for you?" Vixen asked as she walked passed him and into the lounge before dropping onto the couch. It was hell. Having you pressed up against me half-naked, sometimes not even wearing a fucking bra, all day and not being able to fuck you was hell. He thought, but he bit that back and instead said:

"It was pretty good. I never thought I would model. Now I can tick that off of my non-existent bucket list." She laughed. A beautiful sound that sent shivers down his spine.

"Did you have fun though?" she asked as she slipped off her heels and belt.

"I guess so." He mumbled, sinking into a couch. Vixen stood and rolled her eyes.

 "You had fun, just admit it." It was time for him to roll his eyes. He was about to reply when Vixen started unbuttoning the shirt- which belonged to him- that she was wearing.

"What..." he cleared his throat. "What are you doing?"

"I don't like wearing clothing when I'm indoors. You don't mind do you?" she asks as an after-thought. Not being able to deny her he shook his head and looked away. "Great!" He heard her shuffling about and then silence. "I'm going to order some food. Do you want anything in particular?" she asked him.

"No. Whatever you choose will be fine." He says still looking away from her. He hears her leave the room and takes in a deep breath- which he soon finds is a mistake, as he takes in her intoxicating scent. He stifles a groan and sticks to taking shallow breaths in and deep breaths out.

"Hey, I ordered pizza. They said it should be here in ten minutes." He nods, not looking at her. "Why aren't you looking at me?"

"What are you talking about?" he asks not wanting to admit that he wasn't looking at her.

"Look at me." She whispers quietly. He slowly turns his head to look at her and clenched his jaw when he got a good look at her. Her breasts are pushing against her pale pink lace bra and her matching panties are stretching in a delicious way against her hips. He feels the erection that he's finally gotten under control rise painfully. He watches as she takes a sniff of the air before stiffening and blinking slowly, her eyes flashing gold, indicating two things to him. She is of a high ranking. And she's turned on. "Zander." She growls. "I can smell your arousal." Instead of embarrassing him, she ends up turning him on even more. To him there was just something very arousing about her knowing he's turned on. "You need to stop before I do something you might regret."

"Would you regret it?" he asks. She steps up in front of him and slowly runs her hands down his chest, causing a shiver to run down his spine. She leans forward, breathing lightly onto his neck, before gently brushing her lips against his ear as she speaks quietly.

"I'd never regret you, baby." He grabs her hips and pulls her so she's straddling his hips.

 "What the fuck are you doing to me?" he growls out, his eyes piercing through her. "Never have I truly felt the need to take someone who wasn't my mate. But with you..." He placed his nose in the crook of her neck and shudders as he takes in her scent mixed with arousal. "All I can think about is throwing you onto the ground and fucking you with my fingers before thrusting into you and taking you over and over until you're screaming my name. The only thing you'd be able to do is take it and think about how much you love me fucking you with my cock." Vixen above him moans before unconsciously grinding her hot sex against him. "Fuck." He hisses out before gripping her hips tighter and thrusting upwards.

"Oh god. Zander!" She moans out before moving her hip to match his pace. They are a moaning, groaning and grinding mess. "Please!" Her plea makes him roar, before thrusting against her faster and harder.

 "Shit! Vixen, I'm going to-" He stiffened and tried to hold back his climax.

 "Come, Zander." He curses out as he falls over the edge, bringing Vixen along with him.                                                                                                                          


Zander wakes up to an empty bed the next morning. For a moment he thinks she left him before he hears some clanging in the kitchen. He gets out of the bed and walks to the other side of the apartment to the kitchen. He walks in to see Vixen humming an unfamiliar tune, dressed only in his shirt, making breakfast.

"Good morning." She says brightly without turning around.

"Good morning." He says carefully.

"I hope you don't mind, I'm making breakfast." She says as she flips an egg, before placing it in a plate and starting on the bacon.

"No. I don't mind at all." She turns around and smiles.

"Great. I just need to make the bacon and I'll be done."

"You could've woken me up. I would've helped."

"I know. I just wanted to do something nice for you since you let me stay here."

"You didn't have-" he's cut off when the Alpha slams the door open, smelling of liquor, smoke and wolfs bane.

"Zander! I'm home! Are you in the kitchen?" The Alpha's voice echo's in the apartment.

Zander, who had tensed, bit out, "Yes Alpha." The Alpha stumbles into the room and glares at Zander.

"Don't use that attitude with me." The Alpha moves to hit him across the face but an arm comes out and stops him from hitting Zander.

"Don't you dare touch him." Vixen's eyes flashed gold.

"And who would you be? A one-night stand? Oh Zandie, I didn't know you had it in you." Zander watched as Vixen's hand moves to the Alpha's wrist and tightens. The Alpha makes a choking sound before growling and glaring at her. "You bitch! Zander, you really should choose your one night stands more carefully."

"Alpha, you should really, watch your tone with me." Vixens eyes brightened before both she and the alpha were gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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