Chapter Six

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I returned home later than expected. Much later.

It was close to 6am when my feet entered my warm dwelling. I had no excuse for my untimeliness other than the fact that my impulsive intuition convinced myself that I needed a drink.

Or a few.

I wasn't a very huge drinker, or at least I considered myself to be fairly conservative. However, oftentimes my anxious conscience grabbed a hold of my actions and lead me to perform behaviors that weren't so characteristic of me.

Regardless of whatever was happening to me internally, Stella made sure to voice her input on it, whether it threatened my well-being or not. She very much so resembled a motherly figure in a sense that she wished to control the wild aspect my personality tended to bring out.

Even if she wasn't aware of it.

I had adapted over the years to be able to handle her outbursts of concern, which is why I knew to anticipate her reaction to my tardiness and prepare for the storm that was to follow.

No amount of preparation ever helped, though.

My feet moseyed about the house in a systematic fashion. I attempted to keep my sound level at a minimum hoping that I could reach my destination without interruption.

The plan was short lived.

"Where have you been?" Stella's voice traveled to my ears from her erect position on the living room couch. Judging by the large book in front of her, it looked like she'd been up for a while occupying herself with tedious tasks waiting for my arrival.

"I got caught up." My words accidentally slurred as I spoke; the after-effects of drinking still lingered.

"In what? Drowning yourself in drinks?" She now spoke with a chastising tone, similar to that of a parent talking to a disobedient child. "Seriously Kaia?"

"Please don't start this shit, Stella. I'm tired and want to go to bed." I forced out a believable yawn while readjusting my braids behind my ears.

"You know I don't like you being out this late. Considering what happened the other night, you shouldn't either."

"Okay, mother. I'll just let that one incident dictate how I live my life. Makes perfect sense." My annoyance level was rising quickly, as was hers. It was evident in our tones. "Please just shut the fuck up."

"Don't get snappy with me. I'm only trying to save you from going down a path of reckless drinking and God knows what else."

Up until that point, I had periodically pondered over the idea of leaving the argument open ended, but after hearing her ironic statement, I had to finish the thought that just entered my mind. "Of course you are. Because a nicotine addict giving me advice about traveling down the 'wrong path' sounds like a good idea." Her countenance switched from irritated to upset as soon as my words reached her ear canal.

I had crossed the line.

It took a few moments of silence for me to build up the courage to speak again. With an apologetic, yet exasperated sigh, I attempted to fix what I had injured. "Look Stel, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just.....I'm not in the best mindset right now and could desperately use some sleep. I think we should just continue this conversation later."


I couldn't determine whether her succeeding movements were caused by her internal pain or external fatigue. Regardless of the reason, Stella forcefully shoved her way through the threshold and advanced in the direction of her room, completely ignoring my presence. Due to the fact that little to no energy remained in my body, I took it upon myself to seize the nearest spot that could physically hold my figure. My eyelids shut almost immediately upon contact inducing me into a deep, stationary slumber.

To me, it often seemed like Stella and I's relationship wasn't ideal. It wasn't. It was the furthest from it. We fought like cats and dogs and persistently found a way to get on each others nerves.

But that's what made us close to begin with.

We were able to accept the qualities that the other possessed, no matter how incompatible they were with our own. That ability alone acted as a dual barrier between us, both positive and negative. It could strengthen our bond and separate it simultaneously.

It was quite unpredictable.

Exactly like the timeline of my life.

Which is why her companionship was absolutely necessary.

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