Footprints pt 3

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It was around 1pm when Jimin approached the couple. He giggled to himself as he spoke to Jungkook "Do you mind if I steal your girlfriend for a bit? There is somewhere I want to take her." He smiled wide as he looked from (y/n) to Jungkook. waiting for the answer to his question. (y/n) turned towards Jungkook, her eyes full of curiosity. "Kookie please let me go" she begged as she grabbed one of his arms. She gave him her best puppy dog eyes and fluttered her eyelashes. Jungkook crumbled and let her go, he could always spend more time with her later anyway. Jimin grabbed (y/n)'s hand and pulled her up. He walked away from the group and couldn't stop smiling. "where are we going Jimin?" (y/n) asked as she tried to keep up with him. He simply chuckled to himself and took her hand again.

They walked up the stairs to the building and Jimin opened the door for (y/n). She smiled as she looked around at all the flashing lights and turned towards Jimin. "I love arcades! Oppa how did you know?" she couldn't keep the smile off her face, she was so happy. Jimin flashed his typical eye smile at her and motioned for her to enter. He hooked his arms with hers and dragged her towards a basketball game. They played all sorts of games and won lots of tickets. They walked up to the prize booth and traded in their tickets. They had 250,000 points to spend meaning they could get almost any prize they wanted. Jimin turned towards (y/n) "what do you want? its my treat" He smiled and passed her the points card. She frowned and pushed the card back to Jimin. "No Jimin, you spent your money on the games so its your prize not mine." Jimin smiled even wider and laughed, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and slid the points card to the woman behind the desk, he told her what he wanted and she gave it to him "You two are make a cute couple" the woman said. Jimin thanked the woman and passed (y/n) the prize before she could respond to the woman's comment, it was a large pink and white teddy bear with a yellow shirt on that said the name of the beach on it. Jimin took (y/n)'s hand again and lead her back down to the beach, She hugged the bear close and asked Jimin why he didn't get himself anything. "what do you mean I didn't get anything? I did. I got you to smile, and that's all I need" he replied gripping her hand tighter and swinging their hands. (y/n) giggled and asked him why he didn't correct the woman from earlier,she blushed a little and smiled.  Jimin suddenly stopped. Confused she turned around to face him. He looked down the out at the ocean as he spoke "Actually. Um I have something to confess to you." He scratched the back of his head and looked up, connecting his eyes with hers. "I like you." He smiled and blushed as he giggled to himself. (y/n)'s face dropped, she wasn't expecting this kind of confession. "J-Jimin, i'm flattered. Really..." Before she could finish Jimin put his hand over her lips to keep her quiet. Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled his head in the crook of her neck while leaving little kisses all over. Understanding flashed in her eyes as she looked towards Jimin. She smiled at Jungkook and pilled him into a hug before they walked back to their spot on the towels.

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