My Rock

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(y/n) slipped herself off the stool and began to stumble her way in the direction of the bathrooms. The flashing lights of the club were blinding as she felt her way along the wall. A couple stumbled out of the bathroom as (y/n) slipped her way inside, she leaned on the sink and turned on the water, relishing in the calming sounds of the running tap. She felt the arms snake around her waist first, then she felt his chest pressed up against her back. His hands roamed their way down her body as he whispered in her ear. Her hearing was limited but what she heard terrified her. "Hey... Did you think you could just leave me.... You are far too good to pass up.... i'm going to take you here.... is that all right? On the sink.". She was spouting nonsense as she struggled to free herself from this man. His voice was familiar however she knew he wasn't someone who she knew. He pushed her up against the wall and pulled at her dress. (y/n) fought as best she could managing to land a kick straight to his most sensitive part. As she began to run she heard something that stopped her right in her tracks. Sober or not she knew she wasn't hearing things. Dropping to the floor with a thud, she processed what she just heard. She could feel his hands finding their way back to her body and traveling up her dress. She didn't have it in her to stop him. She turned her head to face her attacker, the bartender, the same one who had been treating her all night. His face was twisted and almost frantic as he pulled at his zipper, desperate to open it. His hands were pulled from her as the bartender was dragged along the bathroom floor. "Don't you dare touch (y/n) you scumbag!". (y/n) pulled herself off the floor shakily as she watched the man being pushed face first into a cubicle. She tripped and stumbled her way over to the two men. "Jimin... Don't do this. Just... Take me home-" She was cut off as the vomit left her mouth. Jimin shoved the guy head first into the toilet and held him down, once he was satisfied he left the bartender and helped (y/n) out of the toilet as she rubbed circles into her back. Jimin called a taxi and helped (y/n) inside. They arrived at Jimin's house and he helped her inside, he showed her into the guest room but just as he was about to leave she ran for the bathroom. Jimin was quick to follow, he held her hair as she spewed her guts into the toilet bowl. He rubbed her back again and once she was finished he helped her to clean herself up then took her to the bed. (y/n) slipped herself inside and closed her eyes. "It was Mark" Jimin turned to (y/n) as he heard the sentence slip from her mouth. "Mark told him he could do whatever he wanted to me. He gave him pills. He wanted him to attack me" tears began to stream down her face as she recited what she had heard the bartender say. Jimin wasted no time in sitting beside her and pulling her close to him. He tried his best to comfort her as she sobbed in his arms until she eventually fell asleep.

Sorry about before guys... quotev uploaded my story early. Sorry if you don't like this chapter too... it was a bit much but yah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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