Horror films

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Thursday? idk I lost track of the days.

(y/n) woke up nestled into Jungkook's side. The alarm was loud and annoying. Groaning as she slipped herself out of the bed, (y/n) turned off her alarm and went to get ready for college. Jungkook was quick to follow. He slid out of the bed and pulled on the first items of clothing he could find and made his way into the kitchen to make some toast. (Y/n) made hr way out of the bathroom towards Jungkook. "Kookie, do you think I can wear one of your shirts today? I don't have time to go home for new clothes." She has just finished tugging on her leggings as she walked into the kitchen. Jungkook smiled as he pulled the toast out and put it onto a plate "Sure, which one do you want?" he asked as he made his way around the counter to her. (y/n) brought her hand up to her mouth, biting her thumb in contemplation. Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist causing her to squeak a little before she responded to his question "What about the one shirt you have with your name on the back? I've had my eyes on that one for a while now". Jungkook chuckled as he walked back into the room to get the shirt. (y/n) turned her attention to the toast and put some butter on the pieces, taking two for herself and pulling out some jam from the fridge and spreading some on hers. When Jungkook came back into the room he handed her the shirt and she slipped it on with ease. The pair grabbed their bags and finished off their breakfast as quick as they could and made their way to college.

As soon as (y/n) walked down the stairs Jimin ran to her. He picked her up and spun around singing her name and how much he missed her. The others just laughed at him as Jungkook joined them and sat down in his usual spot. "Yah Jimin put me down!" (y/n) screeched at the boy. He laughed as he placed her back on the ground "Mianhae" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. (y/n) giggled as she ruffled his hair. "What made you miss me so much huh? You only saw me last night." She slung her arm around his waist and leaned against the wall. Jin came over and placed his hand on (y/n)'s head before whispering in her ear "He claims he heard strange noises and thought you were being murdered". (Y/n) looked at Jin clearly confused. He took hold of her hand and took her away from the guys as he elaborated on what he just told her. "Jimin told us that he went back to get his jacket that he claims he left but that when he got their he heard some... screams?". (y/n)'s eyes widened as realisation hit her, Jimin must have heard them last night. Her face flushed crimson and her hands flew to cover her face and she dropped to the floor repeatedly saying "omo". Jin crouched down beside her and rubbed her back soothingly "Don't worry (y/n), I know what Jimin actually heard, I think I managed to convince them all that you must have been watching some sort of horror film". He rubbed circles into her back and he helped her to her feet. Once she was up she stumbled around a bit and started pulling on the hem of Jungkook's shirt. "I'm so embarrassed". She looked up at Jin and smiled brightly before flinging her arms around him "Thank you Jin, I don't know what I would do without you". The two made their way back over to the group and Jimin attacked himself to (y/n) again. Namjoon turned his attention to (y/n) now directing his question to her "So what film did you watch last night? good?". Jungkook's eyes flew to (y/n)'s, confusing and questioning in them. "Oh yes, it was this Japanese horror film I found, something about a woman with a slit mouth? I can't remember the name. I'm not sure if I would recommend it, the first half is kinda slow but the second half is full of blood and screaming". Jin smiled as he listened to her go on and on about this 'film' that her a Kookie supposedly watched. She clearly had seen it just not last night. Jungkook seemed to catch on and started to contribute to the conversation too. The bell rang, signalling the start of first period and they made their way to lessons leaving Yoongi and Namjoon. Those two had a free period in which they liked to spend in the music rooms. Jimin escorted (y/n) to her class, right to her seat, then practically ran to the other side of the building for his lesson. Jin snorted as he sat down beside (y/n) and their lesson started.


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