Battle at the cemetery

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Once at the cemetery, both kanda and Allen split up. Kanda went to the south end while Allen went the northern end. Little did they know but from a far they were being watched by two level 2 akuma and a lot of level ones.  Allen kept walking until he spotted a glowing tomb stone, "that must be where the innocence is!", he approached it and  as he got closer, he seen that the stone had no names on it. "Innocence activate" Allen called out, now in his crowned clown form. Allen proceeded to try to break open the stone. "Edge end!" Allen called out, but only to be thrown back into a tree. Meanwhile at the southern end of the cemetery, Kanda was about to leave when two level 2 akuma came out. Kanda sighed, "where did you two come from?", The yellow and pink Akumas just laughed ignoring the question. The pink level two pointed in Allens direction, "you go get the other exorcist, I'll take care of this one." The yellow akuma nodded before racing to Allens location. The pink akuma looked at kanda, "we came here to destroy you and the innocence", kanda growled lowly, "not on my watch". Kanda took out his mugan, "mugan unsheath" Kanda leaped in the air and chopped the Akuma in half only for it to get back together again. The pink akuma stuck out its arms for them to form into cannons. The Akuma started shooting at kanda who was dodging the bullets, "it's face has got to be it's weak point if my other attack didn't work." Kanda leaped up over the Akuma dodging the hundreds of bullets to only end the fight with the Akumas head splitting apart. Kanda sheathed his mugan and began to run over in Allens direction. Meanwhile, Allen repeated to use edge end, only to get thrown hard into a tree. Allen than transmuted his left arm into his sword and he swung at the stone. The stone cracked in half and the innocence rolled onto the ground. Allen picked it up and was about to meet kanda when his eye activated and he saw a yellow akuma approach him. "Well look what we have here, a silverette!", the yellow akuma said happily. Allen glared at it, but before Allen could react,  the Akuma swooped down and slammed the exorcist into the ground, making him cough up some blood in the process. Allen shoved his sword through the Akumas arm chopping it off. The yellow akuma flew back up in the air getting ready to shoot Allen. The Akuma shot allen and managed to get his left leg. Allen flew back into the tree barley able to stand. Allen stood up only to fall back down again. Yellow akuma than started to shoot again but Allens white vail expanded blocking the blows, making said akuma mad in the process. The Akuma went charging toward allen when Kanda appeared in the air behind the yellow akuma, "I don't think so!" Kanda said as he sliced his mugan through the Akumas face. While the Akuma exploded, kanda saw a bunch of level ones come out, he started to fight them off. Allen was barley hanging on his consciousness, "he came for me, I wish I could tell him how that makes me feel. I wish I could let him know what I feel before the night ends." Allen thought to himself. Kanda managed to kill them all and he looked at Allen who lied seriously wonded against the tree, "Damn moyashi! why do you always end up like this after a battle!?" Kanda said as he walked up to Allen and picked him up softly and carried him bridal style. Allen smiled, "Bakanda, why do you always get here late?" Allen said softly coughing up blood in the process. Allen gave kanda the innocence to hold onto, "I figured out why everyone was disappearing here. They'd come here to visit their loved ones, and the Akuma were afraid they'd notice the innocence, so they killed the people who came here. The Akuma were unable to get the innocence because it put a Brier around itself, it was strong enough for me to get it, but I ended up breaking it somehow." Kanda walked out of the cemetery slowly while listening to everything allen was telling him, he looked down and noticed the blood coming out of Allens leg and mouth. "Just hold on a bit longer I'll get you to the order as soon as possible!" Kanda said seriously. Allen smiled softly, "Kanda just leave me, you need to get the innocence back to headquarters before any more akuma arrive, I'll be okay." Allen said as he fell limp in kandas arms. Kanda felt tears stream down his cheeks, "don't ever tell me to leave you again!, I'll never leave you" Kanda said buryin his face into Allens neck, "I'll get you back to the order as soon as possible, I promise." Kanda said while crying.

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