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Lavi got into his room, he panted as he looked for the old man. He didn't want the panda seeing him plan his plan, after finding the coast is clear, Lavi sat in his room for most of the night thinking about ways to show Allen that he loved him. Lavi didn't want Allen to reject his feelings as well, so he decided to leave hints to Allen, 'I'm gonna leave him notes leading up to who I am!' Lavi thought while pulling down his pants revealing boxers. Lavi stripped of his shirt and crawled into bed, "Tomorrow, I'm gonna start my plan!" He mumbled to himself in excitement.

The next morning Lavi got up out of bed and got dressed into his uniform that he threw on the floor the night before. He sat down and decided to write a letter to Allen and leave it under his door. Lavi grabbed a pen and paper and started writing, "Dear Allen, Ive been in love with you since the day we met. I hope someday you'll notice who I am.♡" Lavi folded the paper and stuck it in the envelope, he licked the top and signed, 'To Allen" on front. He went to his mirror and brushed his hair, throwing on his trademark bandana. 'Looking sexy' Lavi thought as he walked towards the door, as he walked out he saw Leena Lee walking from her bedroom. "Goodmorning Leena Lee" Lavi cheered, "Good morning Lavi, you're up unusually early this morning" she giggled. Lavi chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck, "The new mission Chief is having me do has got me pumped to kill Akuma!" He exclaimed. "Well don't go rushing into battle, you know you can die that way, I'm Just caring for you Lavi!" Leena lee stated. Lavi smiled, "I promise I won't Leena, but I better get on my mission." Lavi waved as he suddenly ran off, leaving Leena Lee dumbfounded at his sudden leave. 'What's his issue? He's never acted this way for a mission.. also my brother didn't give us a mission today.' Leena lee thought to herself.

Lavi raced down the hall to give Allen his letter secretly.

TBC :) - Becca

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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