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Kanda finally reached the Black Order. When they got inside, kanda raced to head nurse who took allen in her care, "Just wait out here while I check him over". The head nurse put Allen on the bed and checked his pulse, and head. She came out to see kanda with his head in his arms, "so how is he?" Kanda ask worringly. "He's gonna be fine, he has a bit of a concussion and he healed the bullet wound in his leg, After a few days of rest, he will be good as new." Kanda smiled and said, "thank you" as he walked out of the waiting room. He walked down the hall to only hear the worried yells of lavi, Leena Lee and Johnny. "Kanda!!!! H-hows Allen!?!?" Leena Lee yelled as she ran up to him, "he has a little  cucussion, so stop worrying so much!" Kanda said in an annoyed tone. "Arn't you worried kanda?, he's your friend" Johnny asked. Kanda wanted to say he was worried, but he didn't want their relationship to be public just yet. So he lied instead, "why should I be worried for the beansprout? He can take care of himself. It's not my problem he ended this way." Lavi sighed, "when will you two ever just get along?" Kanda scoffed and walked off. Lavi shrugged, "well let's go if we're going to see Allen", Leena Lee smiled and followed lavi with Johnny in tow. Allens eyes fluttered open and he looked around to see he was with head nurse, "How are you feeling?" Head nurse said while running a cloth under warm water. Allen sat up slowly, and put his left hand to his head, "ow! my head is pounding!", the head nurse rung the cloth out before returning back to Allens side. "Here, lay back down, I'll give you this to use." Allen slowly lied back down and suddenly he felt the cloth being placed on his head, "thank you" he wispered before closing his eyes. The head nurse smiled and was about to walk out of the room when suddenly she saw 3 people run to Allens side. The head nurse gasped as she saw Leena Lee, Lavi and Johnny standing over allen. Lavi looked at Allen and placed his hand on Allens cheek, a small blush formed on lavis cheeks and  lavi suddenly realized both Johnny and Leena Lee were looking at him stunned. "I-its to hot in here and I was checking is he has a f-fever" Lavi stuttered awkwardly as he quickly removed his hand. The head nurse walked up to all three of them quickly and grabbed lavi and Johnny while Leena Lee followed. As they got out the door, the head nurse shut it. "I know you all want to see Allen, but right now he needs his rest. He'll be out in no time", she said in an annoyed tone. They all agreed, "thank you for understanding." The head nurse walked back in the office and Leena Lee smiled, "I think we should leave him alone for awhile, how about we go back to the science department?" Johnny and lavi nodded as they started walking.

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