Chapter 1

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The scythe sliced through the monster’s body. A boy masked by the shadows was standing there. I had no doubt that he was looking at me, he had just saved me and I don’t know why… I saw him begin to walk off.

“W-wait!!” I called out which caused him to stop where he was, “th-thank you” I breathed. I saw him nod a bit before he was gone. I don’t have time to think about him, I need to get home just in case it happens again.

I flopped back onto my bed as I sighed. Who was he and why did he save me?? I shrugged off the thought as I unbuttoned my shirt; it was getting quite hot, which wasn’t surprising since its January. I tossed my shirt to the floor and looked into the full length mirrors on my wardrobe doors. The moonlight was shining off my blue eyes, shining down through my dark brown hair. I hated how I looked because I looked like my bastard of a father. I clenched my fist at the thought of him.

*START FLASHBACK* “You’re a useless wife!!” I heard my father yell then I heard a thud against the wall and a woman crying… It was my mother… I ran as fast as my 6 year old legs could. I was too late; my mother was passed out on the floor. My father laughed his cruel heartless laugh as he pushed past me. A few moments later I heard the front door slam and a car drive off. *END FLASHBACK*

That day is stuck in my mind, he made her cry and he hurt her… I could never forgive that bastard for doing that to my mother. I ran my finger down my scar which went across my stomach, he did this to me, he was drunk so he hurt me, he did it because my mother wasn’t home… I was only 5 and it’s still here. It has been 11 years since the day he left us. I sigh before sitting on my bed then laying down and slowly falling asleep.

-BEEP BEEP BEEP- -BEEP BEEP BEEP- I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock to turn it off. The day had only just begun but I was already beginning to get too hot.

“CASTIEL!! GET UP!! WE NEED TO GO!!” I heard my mum yell from down the hallway.

“OK, I’LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE” I yelled then I sighed as I slowly walked to my wardrobe, getting out my black school pants, a white button up shirt with the schools logo on the pocket, my tie and some underwear. I put them on then I slipped into my black leather school shoes. I walked downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing an apple. I noticed my mother outside, trying to get the washing off the line; I smiled in slight amusement before taking a bite of my apple and holding it between my teeth. I jogged outside then walked as I neared my mother who was getting the washing of the line. I then lightly jabbed her sides softly which made her jump in shock, causing her to drop the shirt she was holding. I easily caught the shirt, folding it up and placing it in the basket.

“Thank you Cassie, you’re an angel but you are a cheeky bugger” my mother said with her usual smile. Ever since my father left she has always smiled, even though I was really young back then, I remember that she rarely ever smiled…

“I better go to school now mum” I said after taking the apple from my mouth.

“Of course, have a nice day” she smiled so leaned down lightly kissing her forehead before I ran from the house, already running late for school.

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