Chapter 4

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 After Dean and I had our moment I thought about him all day. He had this intoxicating smell, it made me feel like burying my face into his muscular chest and resting against him, my arms around his warm body which smelt of…

“CASTIEL NOVAK!!” the teacher yelled to get my attention

“Y-yes sir??” I gulped a bit, knowing I was in trouble,

“Get your head out of your ass and pay attention in my class you idiotic boy!!” his voice said, sounding as if he was going to rip my head off. Mr. Marco has hated me ever since I joined his class, this is because on my first day I tripped over and knocked his coffee all over his new $500 suit which his wife had gotten him.

“Y-yes sir” I look down in shame,

“Psst Castiel, here” Penelope whispered into my ear before handing me a note. That was the first time Penelope has spoken to me since 3rd grade… I looked at her for a minute before opening the note and reading it Cas, ignore the stupid people, you’re amazing!! The note was unsigned but I could smell Dean’s musk on the crumpled paper. I smiled to myself as I read the note over and over, butterflies forming in my tummy.

Once the bell for the end of class had rung I packed up and bolted out of the room, not wanting to be the last one in the room so that I’d have to be stuck with Mr. Marco and his icy stare, whenever his eyes locked onto my eyes I seemed to freeze, it was as if he was staring into my soul and it scared me beyond belief.

“CAS!! HEYY CAS!! WAIT UP!!” I heard Dean call out so I stopped where I was before turning to face him, he was right in front of me and I took in his scent and he smiled at me, being slightly taller than me he had to look down a bit for his eyes to meet mine. I had the strongest urge just to wrap my arms around his neck to pull his lips against mine, standing there with our lips joined, holding each other until we had to pull away. “I have to go now” Dean said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

“W-wait” I stuttered, grabbing his tie to stop him from leaving “W-wanna hang out later??” my voice continued to stutter

“Sure, I’ll meet you at the plaza in an hour, until then Cas” He gave me his signature half smirk before leaving; the butterflies filled my tummy as I walked home.

I got home 10 minutes later and got changed into a pair of jeans, converse, a loose white t-shirt and my favourite tan trench coat; I ruffled my hair a bit before getting my wallet and phone, going downstairs.

“MUM!! I’M GOING OUT WITH A FRIEND!!” I called out to wherever I mum was,

“WAIT A MINUTE!!” she called out to me so I stopped at the door and waited for her to come over to me “this isn’t about a boy is it??” my mum giggled girlishly as she reached me. My mum found out I was gay a few months after I realized I was gay myself, I shared everything with her.

“M-maybe” I stuttered, forcing down the blush that was trying to come out but unfortunately I started blushing

“That’s adorable sweetie, have fun” she kissed my cheek before letting me leave.

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