Chapter 6

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He was going to kiss me, he was seriously going to kiss me, and I can’t believe he was going to kiss me, me of all people. I know it isn’t a bad thing in a way but the bad part is that if he got caught kissing me then it would basically be “social suicide”. I don’t want him to be out casted like I basically have been. Very few people talk to me and those that do mainly say bad things; he was the first one who had spoken nicely to me since primary school. Why does he have to mess with me heart?? I know that when something better comes along, he’ll drop me like I’m garbage. He doesn’t need someone like me because I only drag people down…

“Cas…??” A hurt voice called out which made me feel guilty about running away from him. “Cas I’m sorry for trying to kiss you, I really am. I thought you’d like it but I was wrong, I’m sorry. Please open the door. Then the same familiar thud of his head lightly hitting the cubicle door was welcomed by my ears. I slowly stood up from where I had sat on the floor then I slowly unlocked the cubicle door and walked out, looking up slightly at Dean.

“I’m going home” I whispered before walking away, ignoring the sounds of Dean’s pleading as I walked. Once I had left the building I started running, tears forming. I’m so stupid, I should’ve just kissed him, and then I wouldn’t feel bad right now.

Once I got home I had gone to my room, shutting the door and falling face forward onto my bed. After 10 minutes of just staying there I had sat up and taken off my trench coat and my jeans, changing into shorts. Dean just makes my heart beat a mile a minute… have you ever met someone that could just take your breath away with just one glance?? That’s what Dean does to me. If I was to ever kiss him I would need my asthma pump because of the lack of air I would allow my body to have. Dean, Dean Dean… His name must’ve been given to him by an angel...

“WHY AM I GETTING WORKED UP OVER THIS!?!? HE’S JUST A BOY!!” I yell up to the heavens, hoping that I would get an answer but unfortunately I didn’t… I had waited for 10 minutes, just staring up at the empty ceiling for the answer… The angels must be off duty for today…

2 hours later my mum called out to say she was going to sleep, my reply was a grunt. I was hoping the grunt would alert her to the fact that I wasn’t dead since I hadn’t watched our usual television show tonight. But to my dismay she had come into the room and sat beside me on my bed.

“Go away mum…” I whispered with my head in my knees,

“Darling its ok I’m here for you, you can tell me anything. If that boy did anything to hurt you in some way then I’ll get him, I will always protect you because I love you” she said while lightly rubbing my back

“N-nothing bad happened mum… H-he just tried to kiss me…” I whispered with a hoarse voice since I had been crying for an hour and a half.

“Isn’t that a good thing dear??” she asked, her voice giving off a confused tone,

“No… I mean yes… I mean gah!! I don’t know whether it is or not… I mean I wanted him to kiss me but when it came to that time I freaked out and bolted… I can’t ever show my face to him again” I whimpered,

“Don’t ever say that dear, you are amazing and sure you get nervous but if anything was to happen between you two then you’d need to know each other’s quirks. If he tried to kiss you then I doubt he’ll let you go that easily” she winked and I chuckled a bit before hugging her tightly.

“Thank you mum, I owe you big time” I smiled then I whispered “Goodnight”

(A/N: Sorry for not posting guys, I hope you aren't too mad ^_^)

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