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it's time to meet her, i thought to myself.

i sighed as i looked at the door's sign in front of me.

1004, it read.

i huffed and counted, already gripping the handle.




i opened the door slowly, it creaked.

the room was revealed to me.



like the girl.

i looked around, searching for the girl 

she was sitting on top of the white sofa, looking at the window; it seemed that she hadn't noticed me.

i closed the door as i examined her complexion.

she had shiny long jet black hair, making it contrasted with her pale skin, a pair of white skinny arms and legs.

she wore a white sleeveless dress and i couldn't see her face.

"um, hello?"

she noticed.

she turned her head and looking at me with her dull black irises.

"hello, new doctor."

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