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i recalled something as i lay on my bed, staring at the dark ceiling.

"ah, kai!"

i spun my head and tried not to blush when i found my crush ran and waved adorably to me.

key word : adorably.

she stopped eventually in front of me, puffing and huffing.

she pushed her glasses up and smiled at me.

i let out a breath as her eyes twinkled cutely.

"can i talk to you for a moment?"

i blinked, seeing the girl in front of me twitching and smiling bashfully.

she was so beautiful, adorable, and cute, that moment.

so without my consent, my lips spitted the word quickly.

"of course."

she beamed and her twitching stopped immediately.

breathe, kai, breathe, my mind told me.

she looked around and took her glasses off before slipping the pair onto the top of her chambray.

she grabbed my wrist tightly and smiled to me brightly.

"let's go!"

she brought me to the school's garden and we both sat on the bench under this huge tree.

"so," she started and i swallowed a lump in my throat.

"um, honestly," she scratched her nape awkwardly before settling it onto her lap.

"i kinda know that you-um-like me."

i released an awkward cough immediately.


"yeah, 'oh'."

we sat in an awkward silence before she started the conversation again.

"honestly, before you ask me about the 'relationship'," she quoted.

"i want us to know each other better, first," she whipped her head to me, flashing a bright cute smile.

how did i become such a weakling in front of her?

"friends, kai?" she offered me her soft tiny hand.

i breathed evenly and grasped her hand softly.

"friends, joce."

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