Mystery Girl

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Okay this is one is sorta of supernatural, I don't usually write this stuff but let's see how it goes 😁

*Y/N pov*
As soon as I got out of class, I looked at my phone and saw the time 11:03pm. Sigh. I hated late night college classes but since I was basically failing, I needed the extra help. Walking cautiously, I made my way to my car and got in after chucking my books in the backseat. Putting the keys in, I switched the engine on, and after a few attempts, it finally kick started. I really needed a new car because one of these days this one was going to die on me.

The highway was pretty deserted considering it was a Friday night but then again, I lived in a pretty small city. The moon was in full effect tonight, basking the empty roads with a ghostly white glow. I frowned as my radio started crackling and the station eventually dropped out completely. I turned my eyes away from the road to fiddle with the knobs hoping it would help. Giving up, I just connected my phone to the car, shuffling through my playlist to find a good song. I turned my attention back to the road as The Weeknd started playing through the speakers.

Obliviously driving, I passed an unfamiliar road sign. What the hell? I took this route every time I had a night class? Surely nothing could have changed? Looking around, I saw that I was completely isolated in an area of the highway I had no idea about. And just to my luck, the engine started giving up and making all kinds of spluttering sounds. I decided to pull over to the side of the road next to the thick mass of forest that stopped just before the road.

I got out of the car and went to the front to lift the hood. A bunch of steam blew out hissing onto my face. "Fuck!" I exclaimed angrily kicking the side of the car causing a dent. "Need help love?" a husky voice coming from the bushes startling me. I looked around for a person to match the voice to but I couldn't see anyone. I quickly backed away onto the empty road as far as I felt was necessary. Maybe this was my imagination. Maybe I'm just tired?

*Lauren pov*

Me and the four girls were currently deep in the woods searching for animal prey when I suddenly heard a heartbeat. Not a normal one, this one was different. "Do you hear that?" I whispered furiously to Camila. She shook her head. I threw a look at the other girls questioningly as they gave me perplexed looks. "Come on guys! We can hear humans from miles away and you're telling me you can't hear that?" I sighed frustrated. They all shook their heads again. "Maybe you're imagining it Lo.." Ally started saying but I cut her off. "No-! I can hear it! It's in my head and something is forcing me to go find out" I groaned kneeling down, the sound of the heartbeat increasing in my head.

I looked up to see Normani whispering something to Camila. "Do you think-?" Mani questioned but Camila shook her head. "It can't be.. Can it?" she bit her lip. Mani shook her head shrugging off the thought as she saw me looking at her. "Maybe we should get going.. There's no animals around here.." Ally suggested in her mother like tone. "No" I growled. They all looked at me with wide eyes. Suddenly, I felt my body get up and turn around by itself. "I'm going to see who that is" I muttered. Before I knew it, I was racing through the woods at a normal speed of 100km/hr. But what I didn't notice was that the girls were following me. I ignored it and kept running until the heartbeat got louder and louder. I was getting close.

I stopped 10m short of the edge of the woods. Through the thick trees, standing on the side of the road, I saw the most breathtakingly beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. She looked about Y/A (your age) and had gorgeous Y/H/C. She couldn't see me at all because I was enveloped in the dark forest. But I could see her perfectly. I just stood there staring at her for a while. I felt my insides clench and my head fill with voices. Something was drawing her to me. Everything about her. Could she be-? No. Not possible. Soul mates didn't exist. That was just vampire bullshit. But was it? Now that I was standing here in front of someone who was making me feel things I'd never felt before. But.. She was human. I wasn't supposed to feel like this.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now