Different Than Others

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Hiya lovelies again!!! I have yet another Jack Frost fan fiction for you guys! But this time, instead of just using myself as the main girl, the main girl is Y/N (your name) but you are also Cupid. I just like to be the main girl because, come on, Jack Frost is amazing. Who wouldn't want to be the girl that Jack falls in love with? Lol! So the things you need to know are these:

H/C (hair color)
H/L (hair length)
E/C (eye color)

Also, the plot of this story is similar to a play that was written when I was still in high school. It's called "Black Widow Bride" and it was written by one of my friends who is an English teacher. You guys can look it up on YouTube. Plus, I don't own the characters, songs, or videos. I hope you like it!

P.S. If your name is Dakota, then make the name Brooke. I just thought of something off the top of my head.

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