Episode 9: Phone Calls & Plans

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Author's Note: Hey guys just a reminder that I'm still doing f4f so follow me if you want you want follow back.

Also thanks to those who voted & added this story to their reading lists & especially those who commented, even if it's just to say update, it really encourages me to keep writing.

One more thing, how many of you checked out the link I had on the previous chapter? And did you like it or not? Please be honest :)

Thanks for reading and without further ado....

Episode 9: Phone calls & Plans

Wyatt sips on his scotch as he thinks about everything. His phone rings and it's Liam. Liam? Why is Liam calling me so early in the day?

Wyatt answers the phone.
"Wyatt Spencer's phone, Wyatt speaking."

"It's Liam."

"Oh hey Liam, what's up?" Wyatt asks curiously.

"We're having a small get together at the beach house and you're invited because Ivy says we need to learn how to play nice."

Wyatt is about to object when he thinks of something. "Can I bring someone to this so called party?"

"Sure why not?" Liam says.

"Great," Wyatt replies smirking, "I'll see you at 8."

Wyatt cuts the call without waiting for a reply and calls Steffy. Let's see how golden boy likes this.

"Hey Steffy," Wyatt says charmingly.

"Wyatt Spencer, are you up to something?" She asks mockingly.


"Okay. You've got my attention, I'm curious."

"Well you'll find out if you meet me at Liam's beach house."

"What? Why?"

Wyatt relents and tells her a slightly altered version of the truth. "Look the truth is he's having a party and I was forced to go and I really really don't want to go to this thing alone and have everybody whispering about me again."

Steffy sighs. "Go on."

"Plus I'm sure it would help of I had the most beautiful girl in the room on my arm. And if you're there, you're guaranteed to be that girl," Wyatt says smoothly.

"Well Mr Spencer, you've convinced me. Pick me up at 7."

Wyatt cuts the call and does a little happy dance.

He isn't entirely over Hope, but he is still a man. And this is more a business deal and an opportunity than a romantic perspective.

I mean sure Steffy is gorgeous, but am I even ready to move on yet?


Rick and Caroline both scrambled to get their clothes back on as the door swung open to reveal...

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