Episode 12: Two weeks later

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Author's Note:

Warning: A scene in this chapter is *heated*. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable. There is no smut described, so that is why it is not rated M. But the scene is heated. If in future you would prefer if I left those scenes out then please say so in the comments :)

It has been two weeks since Steffy left. One week since Wyatt blackmailed Rick into signing over Forrester Creations to him. With Wyatt as the CEO, Steffy as President and Ridge as Vice President, the company was flourishing. Money has been multiplied, employees happy and designs more beautiful than ever.

Steffy has been communicating electronically with the business and didn't say when she would be back. Rick and Caroline have been secretly seeing each other. Ridge and Bill have been fighting over Katie. Liam and Ivy have been doing couple stuff.

Now two weeks later Wyatt receives divorce papers from Hope's lawyers. He figures he should tell Brooke. And he also wanted to check on her. From what he's seen and what Deacon and his mother have told him, she's been drinking a bit and she's been battling with Deacon and Quinn's upcoming nuptials.

He drives over to Brooke's house and knocks on the door. "It's open!" Brooke calls out. He pushes the door opening not using much forces. It swings open and he enters and closes the door behind him. He sees her pouring herself a drink.

"Wyatt!" She greets in surprise. "I'm sorry I should've called but I just got the divorce papers and thought you might want to know..."

"No no, it's fine. I'm glad you came. Here let me get you something to drink." She says before pouring him a glass as well.

He drinks it down in one gulp. She raises an eyebrow and pours another. He drinks that too. So does she. She refills their glasses and they continue drinking and talking about life. Their words slurring and their inhibitions free.

"You know I gave her everything I had. I did my best to get her everything she wanted. I made her line successful. I was spontaneous. I loved her and only her. And in the end the only reason she chose me was because Liam couldn't show up on time. Why is Liam always every girl's first choice? What does he have that makes him so special? And you know what stings? I finally found another woman I could like and she chose Liam too!" Wyatt rambles on in his drunken state.

"I know how you feel! I mean look at me. Every guy in my life letting me down. Getting bored. Wanting this then wanting that. Leaving me and playing games with me. Running in circles and I'm so tired of it!"

A tear slips down Brooke's cheek and on instinct Wyatt's hand immediately shoots out to wipe it away. His hand softly caresses her cheek as he pulls away.

She can feel his hot breath on her and it leaves tingles on her skin. They both know that it's wrong and they know that they're both going to regret it but right now it doesn't matter.

They lunge for each other. Lips attacking, tongues moving swiftly together and hands roaming. She feels aroused and she can feel him (a lot of him) pressed up against her thigh.

"You know we're going to regret this tomorrow?" He asks her. "We can blame it on the alcohol," She winks at him before attacking his lips once again.

His hands grip her tightly against him. His hands move lower and lower. He picks her up and her legs cross on his torso. His hands rest on her butt. Her hands are in his hair and on his chest. He carries her to her bed and in the process his shirt is removed and her pants are gone.

His hand reaches under her shirt and unclasps her bra. Removing their clothes, they resuming kissing. Wyatt marks his territory leaving hickeys along her collarbone.

After teasing each other in many ways, they proceed to sleep together. Out of breath and tired a few rounds later, they collapse in exhaustion next to each other and fall asleep in a spooning position.

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