Chapter 33- Nightmare

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It was now Febuary 1st. I was getting knd of scared because Perrie was acting a bit weird lately. Last time she asked me if I knew Zayn....And when I said yes, she started talking about how lovely he is. I didn't bother to tell zayn, I don't want him to worry. I was worrying a lot lately. 

Another reason why I was worrying was because Zayn hasn't studied for the 5 tests I gave out last month. I had to pass him by helping him cheat. I know he said not to do it, but he said one time couldn't hurt. Then it became two, three, far too many times.....I didn't tell him to stop though. I never told him that it was enough, that he has to study and get a grade he deserves like everyone else. Just because he's dating me doesn't mean he's going to get some treatment. What happened? First he says not to treat him like he's special, to treat him like a student. And what am I doing? The complete opposite. And he's letting me. 

The reason why I never told him to stop was because I thought it'll be rude. So I guess I'm just going to stay quiet about it. 

It was Thursday night, I was alone in my apartment. I was in the living room, watching TV, until I heard the doorbell ring. I knew it was Zayn since he's the only one who visits me. I got up, going to the door. I opened it, seeing Zayn standing nothing but in dripping weat sweats. His hair was down, dripping some water down to his shoes. His teeth were clattering from feeling cold in his wet sweater. He seemed out of breathe as well. I knew it was raining out. Did he run all the way here? 

"Zayn, what happened?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. He didn't reply, just stared at me for a while. "Come in, you must be freezing. Why were you out in the rain at this time of night?". I saw a silver teardrop dunning down his cheek. I wasn't sure if it was a raindrop or a teardrop. Zayn never cried, he was normally a strong guy. 

"Thank god your okay!" he cried, tackling me in a hug. His arms were around my stomach, his head buried in my neck. I slowly put my hands on his back. 

"Yeah I am....Why wouldn't I be?" I asked puzzled. 

"I- I just had this...really crazy dream. I thought I lost you India". He hugged me tighter. "I got so worried.....Your okay right?". His voice sounded like it was cracking. But it had this caring tone in it. 

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Here come in, you must be freezing". I led him in the apartment, walking back to the door to close it. I heard some noise out, I wasn't sure what it was. Probably the neighbor. I just shook my head, closing the door. Zayn sat down on the couch. I ran to the bathroom, getting a towel. I put it around his shoulders. I sat on the table, facing him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm fine". A long silence ran in the room. I wasn't sure what to ask him next. He didn't seem comfortable to tell me what happened in the dream. But I really wanted to know. I looked up again at him, and our eyes were locked. 

"What happened in the dream?" I asked in a low voice. He started thinking how to start. 

"Well.." he began, licking his dry lips. "We were fighting about something.....I'm not sure what. We were at my house. You got so annoyed with all of this, you decided to get up and leave. You walked to your apartment. It was about 12 AM. A-And you were walking down a street. This guy came and followed you. And he followed you into your house.....Once you found out he was in your apartment, you screamed. That's all I remembered...". I nodded understnadingly, waiting for him to finish. 

"I woke up after that. I was so scared, I thought it really happened. So I ran out of my house, running to your house to see if you were okay. I'm sorry if I startled you". I smiled, holding his hand. I found it really sweet that he cared so much. He had this nightmare, and runs to check If I was okay. Even when it was raining outside. You know, I thought relationships were all about the cuddling and kissing and having each others company. But it's much more than that. It's about sharing your love with someone else, caring for them, never leaving each others side.

I could tell Zayn really loved me. And I really loved him. There is nothing that can break us apart.

"You didn't. But thanks.....For checking. It means a lot". He smiled, and connected his lips with mine. I played with his wet hair, twrirling it aroud. We pulled away, pressing our foreheads together.

"Promise me we won't ever fight?". He grabbed my hand, holding it tight.

"I promise. I love you so much". He smiled ear to ear.

"I love you too...". I looked at the clock, seeing it was around almost 1 AM. "I should get going" he said, getting up. I stood up along with him.

"You can spend the night here if you want".  

"You don't mind?". I shrugged. 

"Not at all. And hey, if you get another nightmare, I'll be right here". He smiled again. 

"Thanks..". I walked him over to my room. He slipped his wet clothing off, and now was in his boxers. But I didn't mind. I laid down in the bed along with him. I turned the lamp off, closing my eyes to go to sleep. I felt Zayn's hands wrap around my stomach, pulling me closer to him. I smiled, and fell asleep. 


Stay beautiful- Vic

My History Teacher (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now