Chapter 40- Dead Bug

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(Zayn's POV)

 "What were you thinking?!" My mother yelled over the dinner table. Thank god none of my sisters were here. Safaa was doing Homework, and Wahliya was doing something on the computer. I was called to help Mum set the table. Usually Wahilya was called down, but tonight, it was me. And I knew it was just an excuse for my Mum to lecture me. I set down the plaes and cups. 

  "You could've gotten arrested! She could've gotten arrested!". 

   "Well I didn't, did I?" I protested, which I guess was a big mistake. 

   "Zayn, why in the world would you date your teacher? She's so much older than you, and she's your teacher!". I stayed quiet. I knew my Mum hated whenever we talk back. She doesn't 'tolerate' it. 

   "It's truly disgusting what you did Zayn. Just disturbing! Imagine what everyone will think of you now! Of dating a thirty year old teacher!? She's there to help you learn, not to be used for good grades.". I knew I shouldn't talk back, but something just boiled inside of me, and I found myself doing it. I slammed the pot of yellow rice on the table. She jerked away, frightened. 

   "Mum, she's not thirty! She's only 2 years older than me! And I didn't use her like that, you know I wouldn't! And who cares if people find out!? I don't, I know she won't! All my friends accepted thae fact that I was dating her, why can't you?!". She looked at me dead in the eye, sending chills down my back. 

   "Because of you, she lost her job. God, why couldn't you just acted like a normal student?! I can never look at you the same again!". 

   "You don't have to! If you want me to leave, then fine, I will!". I didn't bother putting the spoons or anything out, since I was just completely done with her. I turned on my heel. 

   "And where are you going?". 

   "Away from you!" I screamed on top of my lungs. She grabbed my arm before I could leave, speaking in an extremely harsh tone. 

   "Are you seriously trying to leave this?! You can't just drop it! You got suspended Zayn! It took us forever to put you in a good school that's in a good neighborhood with good people, and you just blew it! Were you that desprate for good grades?!". I slipped my arm out of her grasp. 

   "I wasn't desprate, I didn't use her, I didn't do anything to her! I loved her, she loved me, that's it! She's just a normal person, I don't care if she was my teacher! She's perfect for me, she keeps me happy! Why can't you understand that?". She stayed quiet. I knew she wanted to say something, but she kept herself from saying it. I continued. "I was going to graduate anyways! Besides, she said she wouldn't care if she lost her job, that's how much we love each other! I respect her as a teacher and I respect her as my girlfriend. You loved Dad growing up, wouldn't you have done anything to be together?". She looked away from my face. 

   "You make me sick". I sighed, totally aggrivated. Everytime I give out a long speech, my Mum always ignores it. She just doesn't want to hear it, she wants to be the one that's right, and I'm supposed to be the one that's wrong. 


   "Go upstairs and go to sleep. We're going to get you into another school when yor father comes back from work. Plus, your grounded for three months. No TV, no internet, no phone, no friends. And you are not allowed to talk to Ms. Brooks, Am I clear?". I walked right upstais, not wanting to talk to her anymore. I was so furious. Why can't she just understand me? And I know she's going to tell Dad, and he's going to kill me. But I'm not scared. I just want to get out of here. I just want to go to India. 

   As I passed by Wali's room, I already knew Safaa was in there, and the had heard everything. Their probably going to think differently of me, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything. 

   I lied on my bed, thinking of all the events that happened. Thinking of things I should've said. It kind of hurt me how Mum said that I make her sick. I love my Mum, but I just hate how she fails to understand things. I really wanted to go to India's, not caring that I'm grounded. It's not like she'll find out. After all, she's not MY teacher anymore. Which kind of sucks. 

   Wen I knew my Mum and Dad were about to sleep (I'm guessing I'm getting his lecture tomorrow) I went outside sneakly to India's apartment. I just need to see her. I knew how much that job meant to India. She worked so hard for it. And I feel like it was my fault. But I can't just regret not being with her. She's the love of my life. 

   I remember all the fun times we had together. The time I helped her out her fear of snow, the times where I'd pretened to need help just to get close to her. I wish it was back to those days. I knew very well Perrie and her group told on us. But how did they have evidence? Were they spying on us? Right now, all I know is that I hate her even more now. She can't stand the fact that I'm in a relationship and she's not.

   I finsally made it to her apartment room. I heard some noises inside, and wasn't really sure what was going on. Is she okay? My curiosity went over me, and I knocked on the door, impatiently waiting for a response. She opened the door, not really looking hapy to see me. 


   "Hi" I smiled. 

   "What are you doing here?". I was surprised she asked me that. 

   "What do you mean? I thought I can ome by whenever I felt like it". She chewed down her lip, mumbling "this isn't good". 

   "Is everything okay?" I asked. She looked up at me really worried. I took her hands, and put them into mine. Lightly, I put my forehead on hers. "What's going on?". 

   "Ms. Brooks, who is at the door?" A woman called. I looked behind India, seeing a bunch of police offeres i her apartment. 

   "Zayn, you should go home", she strated pushing me out. 

   "But I miss you. It's been days...". 

   "I know, I miss you too. But......But we have to end it". I felt a bunch of thorns sticking to my sides. I don't  get it. We just got bck together, and now she wants to end it. "Look.....I love you, but we just can't be together.Not with the law", she motioned to the officers, "Their here to investigate. If they see you here, they'll arrest me. You need to go home". 


   "Zayn, please". She looked at me with pleadingness in her eyes. 

   "That means we'll never see each other.....Your going to a different school, and I'm going to a different school....". She nodded. 

   "I'm so sorry Zayn......Please don't be mad....It's for the best. And just know that I will always lo-". 

   "Ms. Brooks, who is out there?". The police officer was growing impationet. She looked back at me, mouthing 'please'. I licked my lips, not wanting to do what I needed to. Walk away. I just couldn't do it, but I had to. I didn't even say bye. It was just hard to. It wa sall happening fast. Life just crushed me like a bug, and I can't get up. 

I just lost the most important thing in my life. 


COMMENT, VOTE. stay beautiful- Vicky

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