Chapter 38- Fixing Things

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(India's POV) 

   Weeks had past ever since that night. Zayn never showed up to class, and I guess he never will. Was he mad at him? I'm the one whose supposed to be mad at him. After all this while, I always thought of him. Maybe I should forgive him. Maybe he didn't mean to use me like that. Maybe Perrie was just lying. I saw her the other day complimenting this quiet little cute 9th grader, and once she left, Perrie turned to her friends and said she looked like trash. Bitch. 

  It was Friday, and I was thinking of doing something special for Zayn. I wasn't sure what, but I want to do something. Tonight. A little surprise. I hope he'll like it. And I hope it'll make everything okay. I really miss him.....Things are so boring without him. an dI just hate this silence with him, even his friends. The other day I spotted Liam in the hall, and I waved at him, but he completely ignored. 

  "Ms. Brooks, do you have toturing today afterschool?" Perrie asked me. I cleared my throat. If I say no, will she think I'm doing something with Zayn? does she know? 

  "I'm sorry Perrie, I can't. I have a meeting. You know for the final exams....Maybe Monday?". She pouted. 

  "Oh....I was really looking foward to a session today.....I don't quite understand the lesson-". 

  "I think you do" I cut off. "Your doing perfectly fine. If your worried about failing the exams, it's no problem. You have to fail three marking periods to literally fail, and as far as i'm concerned, your doing well. Better than well. So I don' think your going to need any tutoring sessions". I patted her shoulder, going back to my desk. She sighed, walking back to her desk. I smiled to myself. Score. 

(Zayn's POV) 

  I sighed, sitting down on the couch. I was supposed to go to Liam's house for a little get together, but it was raining out. My Dad didn't let me use the car when it rained. Said I might get in an accident. 

  "Please Dad?" I begged. "I promise I won't reck the car. Please? Come on, it's Liam's house, he's up the block". Ge rubbed his forehead, completely annoyed looking. 

  "No Zayn. It's dangerous. Can't you go some other time?". I shook my head. 

  "I'm bored here". 

  "Play with your sister". I sighed. 

  "Can I walk there then?". He shrugged. 

  "It's up to you if you don't mind getting a little wet". I got up without saying anything, slipping my hoodie on. When it rains, its freezing out. Even if it's in the spring. I grabbed a black unbrella, heading out. I opened it up, so it covered me from the drips of rain. Yet I still managed to get we from the wind blowing te rain on my face. 

  I spit out some of the rain, fastening my pace. Liam's house was right near the little Park. I remember in our junior years, we'd all play football here. 

  "Shit! Ughhhh, just great!" I heard someone growl. I stopped my tracks, looking around. Who was that? I looked around once more, yet I didn't see anyone. I heard the same girl sigh in frustration. Wait, it's a girl? 

  The sound came from inside the park. I scanned with my eyes, finally spotting someone holding, what it looked like, a picnic blanket. I looked at the girl, smirking at how it frustrated her to fold the blanket. Her hair was dripping wet, her white dress almost see through. I frowned, she must be freezing. How is she going to get home at this time of night? 

  My instructs told me to go there, to help. I don't want her to get sick, or walk home with everyone being able to see everything underneath. I walked slowly over to her, feeling the rain drip harder on us. 
  "God damn it!" She yelled. She sneezed as she picked up the picnic basket. I was now behind her. I weighed my umbrella over her head. She turned around, facing me. Her expression softened, and so did mine when I realized who it was. 

"Zayn?" She whispered. I wasn't sure how to react. Should I be happy, should I be sad? Should I be pissed? 


"W-What are you doing here?". 

"I would ask the same thing......". She pursed her lips, looking down at her soaked shoes. 

  "It' reason. It's dumb". I took my hoodie off, putting it on her shoulders. She was shivering. 

  "Tell me, why are you out here all alone in the rain?" I asked. She kept her head down. 

  "You. It was for you". I stared at her as the rain grew harder. 


   "I-I wanted to do something special for you. To show you that I forgive you........that your always on my mind. I still love you". I smiled once those words left her mouth. "I should've believed you. I was dumb to believe Perrie. I shouldn't have put my anger on you. I was going to make a little picnic for us, but I didn't know it would Rai-". 

  I connected my lips onto hers, not wanting her to finish. I've been dying to do this for months. I missed her sweet lips. It was like my missing puzzle piece. She smiled in this kiss, and kissed me back. Her hand cupped my cheek, deepening this kiss. I parted away, breathing heavily. Even though it was raining, we didn't seem to care. It's like for us, the world paused. 

"I never stopped loving you". 

Sorry for any misspelled words, I'm updating on my phone. Stay beautiful- Vick

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