Chapter Thirty One: Infiltration

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Hux PoV

The next day, we infiltrated the Temple under the guide of archaeologists. Our goal was simple, we had to find the missing datachip. Kylo had found a way to track the chip in the Temple, or so he said.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked him as we walked into the Temple, having been approved by the security.

"Yes," he replied, quietly,"I'll turn it on as soon as we reach the Archives. At that point, we can just follow its directions." He looked at me,"It'll be fine."

I watched him cautiously. He was slower than normal today. Being electrocuted repeatedly did no one favors, and had he wanted to lay low today, I would have understood.

But he wanted this to happen as soon as possible. His zealotry impressed me greatly.

We made our way to the Archive ruins.

Destroyed shelves and computers and desks littered the ground in massive piles. Kylo pulled out his tracking device and turned it on. It started emitting a soft beeping noise.

"We just need to follow this," Kylo said.

I followed him, weaving in and out between the ruins. There remains of statues and software among the other ruins. The destruction of the Temple had been complete and thorough.

Many of these things were charred, due to the fiery end of the Temple. I hoped the chip had not suffered any damage.

"We're getting close," Kylo said,"the beeping is getting louder."

"I can hear that," I replied. The beeping was getting louder with less space in the intervals. Finally, it became a nearly deafening  screech and Kylo turned it off and knelt on the ground and started digging through a pile of ruined material.

"Found it!" He proclaimed triumphantly as he pulled a small, metal safe out of the ruins. He drew his saber and cut it open with one of the side blades.

"There it is," I felt relief in having found what we were looking for. Our mission had not been in vain. I had worried that we had been led on, but no, we had found the target.

"Let's get out of here," Kylo pocketed the chip, kissed me on the cheek, and started out of the Temple with me in his wake.

We were able to leave with no trouble. We reached our home fairly quickly and immediately started packing. We were planning on leaving tonight. We needed to get back to our base.

"Do you think they will know we stole it?" Kylo asked me curiously.

"They'll figure it out, perhaps. But maybe not. Perhaps the chip was hidden here in secret and no one knew it was here," I replied, having thought of that same thing.

"I hope we can get back to Starkiller Base without being gunned down," Kylo grimaced at the thought.

"We will be fine. I'm all packed, how about you?" I looked at his still messy clothing.

"Sorry about the mess. You bought so much stuff! You thought we'd be here for months!" Kylo rolled his eyes at me and started shoving things sloppily into a bag.

"I did not know that we could get into the Temple legally. I prepared for the worst," I winked at him. "Let's go," I said, once he was fully packed.

Within ten minutes we had lifted up and ascended into Coruscant's evening sky. We got through security safely and were headed back to the base in no time.

As the ship flew through hyperspace, I spent the time with Kylo just siting and talking, or just sitting. It was just nice being with him. Our mission was done, for now. Maybe we could work on our relationship now before we were given more.

I knew that thoughts like those were disgraceful, yet I still thought them shamelessly. In just a few weeks, Kylo Ren had changed everything for me. My schedule, my ideas, and my priorities had been tossed to the winds of Kylo, and I was happy with that.

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