Chapter Thirty Four: Vessel

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Kylo PoV

My day was going smoothly until I got summoned to Snoke's chambers alone. Given the circumstances, that was a far from welcome command. I obeyed it, however.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. You summoned me?" I doffed my helmet and stuck it under my arm. "What would you require of your apprentice."

"I want you to join me on the planet of Dathomir." Snoke's eyes bored through me, despite him only being a hologram. "I want to begin another aspect of your training."

"But, Supreme Leader," I protested,"I am needed here. Hux and I need to finish linking the map to Skywalker. The chip we recovered from Coruscant is heavily protected. I need to be here."

I should never have mentioned General Hux. The chamber reverberated as Snoke's wrathful voice echoed through it. "General Hux needs you?! It seems that you are weak and have grown attached. Do not forget your calling to rule! I will not let your talent be wasted on being tied to a mere soldier. You have so much more potential than that!"

"I'm sorry, Supreme Leader," I replied, shaking in the wake of his wrath. Even light years away, he inspired fear into me. I never wanted to cross him, yet I already had, just for Hux.

"Come to Dathomir. There, I will make you stronger. You will no longer feel this call to attachment. You will be an open vessel to fill with power, strength, and skill. Leave tonight." The hologram flickered out and I was left to think about what to do.

I had to find Hux. He deserved to know that my Sith master was summoning me to a remote planet to endeavor to twist me and my emotions. He deserved to know that I was leaving tonight and when I come back, I might not be the same. He deserved that.

I was informed by a trooper that he was finishing up a training assessment with Captain Phasma. It was a brisk walk to the training area where I found Hux sparring with a trooper.

"Hux!" I bellowed. He turned to look at me and got hit in the face. I winced in sympathy. Hux got to his feet and exchanged a couple words to his partner then walked towards me, minus his typical great coat. I commented on this, trying to keep the mood light.

"It did not make sparring easy. I need to be free to move. I have hand picked a special force of troopers. They will make us less reliant on your Knights of Ren alone. The more assets we have, the better off we will be." He put his coat on and walked with me out of the training area. "What do you need?"

"We need to talk. Alone." I felt my heart sinking to the bottom of my stomach. Hux looked a little bit concerned as I said this, but kept walking.

"About what?" He responded, after a short silence.

"About the fact that Supreme Leader Snoke has summoned me alone to meet him on Dathomir. He wants to train me. He plans on trying to sever the affection between us. He wants me to be empty so that he can fill me with power. But I don't want that. Maybe a month ago I would have, but not now." I paused, feeling guilty at the horrified look on Hux's face. "I'm telling you this because you deserve to know that I might not come back the same. Snoke persuaded me to do... Awful things, for him. He is a powerful and charismatic master, and I do not trust myself." I confessed this, hoping Hux would not look down upon me for doing so.

"I understand," he replied, unexpectedly,"you need to do this. You need to be stronger. For the good of the First Order, and for the good of us. Prove that you can love and still rule and have power. Prove Snoke wrong. I have faith in you." He kissed me long and hard. When he broke off, it was like having a power cord disconnected.

"I hope that your faith in me is well placed." I grimaced. "I will try. We owe each other that much. I do not want to be separated from you."

"Or I you," Hux agreed,"now go pack. I'll meet you before you leave for a better goodbye." He smiled at me kindly. "Good luck."

I could not find words to express how I felt, so I walked away wordlessly, kicking myself for my lack of ability to reply on the spot. My emotions clouded my clear thought all too often. Too bad Snoke couldn't help with that instead of trying to kill my feelings.

I hoped things would be the same when I returned. I could not fall to Snoke's grasp in this area. I was his apprentice and would follow him, but I refused to abandon this love. It was too precious to discard.

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