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~ Your POV ~

I told Jack to watch Lily while I go on a walk . He said for me to hurry since he doesn't know how to watch a baby so I said fine and walked out. I was walking on a bike trail when I saw the lake Dante took me too. I started to sing ( cue music )

Little do you know how I'm breaking while you fall asleep

little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories

little do you know  I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

little do you know I need a little more time

underneath it all I 'm held captive by the hole inside

I 've been holding back for the feel yo might change you

I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight

little do you know I need a little more time

I heard someone singing and I saw Laurence. 

I'll wait I'll wait

I love like I never felt the pain I'll wait

I promise you don't have to be  afraid I'll wait

Love is here and here to stay so lay your head on me

little do you know I know your hurt while I'm sound asleep

little do yo know all my mistakes are slowly drowning me

little do you know I'm trying to make it better piece by piece

 Little do you know I...I love till the sun dies

   ~ Both ~

I'll wait just wait

I love like I've never felt the pain just wait

I love you like I've never been afraid just wait

Our love is here and here to stay

~ You ~

So lay your head on me

~ Both ~

I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait

I love you like you've never felt the pain

I'll wait I'll wait

I promise you won't have to be afraid

I'll wait

the love you see we're here to stay

so lay your head on me

lay your head on me

so lay your head on me

~ Laurence ~

Cause little do yo know I...I love you till the sun dies

At this point we were inches away and we leaned in and kissed.......we pulled apart and both of our faces were tomatoes. So why did you come here? " Oh well I was at the playground and skatepark doing parkour " explained Laurence.( I actually do that at my school because I have nothing else to do at recess and because I have no friends :'( ) " so  why are you here?" asked Laurence. Well I came here to take a little break. " Cool wanna go do parkour?" asked Laurence. Sure! We had a race to the skate park and I won! We did some free style parkour and we recorded it all on a video camera! After that we saw an Ice cream truck and Laurence got some. Hey Laurence I have to go bye. " OK see you at school tomorrow bye!" Said Laurence happily. Bye.

Minecraft diaries high school Garroth x Laurence x Dante x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz