New Friend

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~ Jack's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping as always. " Hey Jack I made breakfast!" said y/n happily. " Cool so what is for breakfast?" I asked. " I made some breakfast sandwiches why?" asked Y/n. " Just curious jeez." I laughed. " Well don't just stand there eat some!" said Y/n taking a bite from hers. " Well today is Sunday what do you want to do?" I asked. " Well first we should watch Lily and if she can't go somewhere then we can't." said Y/n. " Also we should be listening to the necklaces for if someone is in trouble." I added. Y/n nodded. We heard Lily which means she was waking up for the day. Y/n ran upstairs. " Hey Jack can you get me a bottle? Lily's other one isn't in her room!" yelled Y/n down the stairs. " Sure be right up!" I yelled back. I ran to the cabinet that has the bottles then I went to the milk in the fridge and poured some. But I ended up spilling half of the milk gallon on the floor. I ran up stairs and gave Y/n Lily's bottle. " Tanks Jack!" said Lily. " Did L-Lily just t-talk??" asked Y/n. I nodded not knowing what to say. " Well I mean she is 3 and has been saying mushed up words so I guess she can now talk." I explained.  " Well I don't cars he is WAY to adorable to argue about!" laughed y/n. " Well how about we go to the park?" I asked. " That's a good idea! Lily what do you think want to go to the park?" asked Y/n. " WAY! PARK!" said Lily happily. " Then it's settled we are going to the park!" laughed y/n. I just smiled. " Ok then we leave after breakfast!" I explained. Y/n nodded. So we walked over to the park and we saw the ice cream man. " Ice cweam pwease??" asked Lily. " Ok Lily come on let's buy you and ice cream!" said Y/n happily.

~ Your Pov ~

So we took Lily to the park and now she can talk! She saw the ice cream truck and wanted some ice cream and so I let her have some. " can I pwease have strawberry ice cweam?" asked Lily. " Sure how many scoops?" I asked. " Can I have 1 scoop pwease!" she rushed " Sure!" I smiled. " Hello what can I get you today?" asked the ice cream man. " Can I have I strawberry cone with 1 scoop and a vanilla cone with 1 scoop please?" I asked. " Sure coming right up!" said the man. I saw the man go in the truck and grab our ice cream. " Here you go that will be $1.50. " said the man. " Here you go thank you!" I said nicely giving Lily her ice cream. " Hey Jack I got you some ice cream." I said handing him a the  ice cream cone. " Thanks sis." he said happily. " Woah that's the first time you actually called me that" I laughed. Then we saw a girl sitting on a bench. I walked up to her, " Hello my name is Y/n want to be friends?" I asked. " Sure I'm Katelyn the fire fist!" she said happily. " Want to meet my brother and sister?" I asked. " Sure I don't see why not!" she laughed. Then that's when I made a new friend!

Minecraft diaries high school Garroth x Laurence x Dante x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora