Strange Behavior

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Jayden sat up in his bed and smiled "I think I'm gonna like this." He heard a knock at his door. "Who is it?" He called shifting to a better position. "It's Antonio." He stood up and opened the door. "What is it?" He wasn't sure what yet, but something was definitely off about Jayden. "Is something wrong?" Antonio broke from his thoughts. "It's time for training." Jayden nodded and closed the door so he could get ready. Antonio walked back into the training yard with the others. "What's wrong Antonio?" He turned to Emily and shook his head "It's Jayden, something's wrong with him." Kevin looked puzzled. "What do you mean?" Antonio sat down "I mean he's acting strange." By then Ji had came outside "How so?" He asked coming to stand next to Emily. "Last night he said he's been having nightmares, but just now when I went to get him he seemed perfectly fine." This puzzled the others as well. Just then Jayden came into the training yard. "Hey guys." They stared at him not knowing what to say. They were just about to start training when the gap sensor went off. "Where's the Nighlok?" Ji opened the map to see. "It's downtown." They morphed and left after hearing this. This monster was no Nighlok, Jayden could tell just by looking at it. "That's enough Nighlok." Cloud turned to look at them. "Nighlok? I am no Nighlok my name is Cloud, and I have come for the red ranger." The other rangers moved to stand in front of him. "What do you want with Jayden?" No one noticed but Jayden cracked a smile. "The princess has sent me." The rangers were baffled "Who is the princess?" Jayden's smile widened. "You will know in due time."  Cloud lunged at Jayden, but missed as Antonio pulled him out of the way. Cloud stood up and drew his sword, and engaged the rangers in battle. For a brief moment, the rangers were able to keep him at bay. Unfortunately, that changed when Jayden suddenly lost consciousness.

In Jayden's Dream

"Jayden.... Jayden, can you hear me?" Jayden's eyes fluttered open. "Are you alright?" He nodded and sat up straight. "What's wrong?" I looked at him and smiled. "You're one of us, you always have been." He smiled and said phoenix. This caused my eyes to widen. "The phoenix has been extinct for millions of years, yet I can sense its energy in your soul." At this we both smiled. "Azriel, I've decided that I want to see you in person." I nodded and stood. "Alright, I will come for you myself, but please spare him." Jayden nodded and stood up himself. Then, everything went black.

End Dream

Jayden awoke to find his team battling Cloud. He stood up and charged him full force. Jayden knocked him into a building 2 blocks away from them, and told Cloud what I said. He nodded and left the battlefield. "What was that all about?" The others shrugged and turned to leave but Jayden was still there. "Jayden, aren't you coming?" He stayed silent as if in some kind of trance. "Okay Jayden, you've been acting weird since last night. What is going on?" Jayden looked at Mia, and smiled the same way I did when he agreed to join us. "All will be revealed the next time you see him." No could believe what they were seeing. There, standing right in front of them, was the monster from Jayden's dream. "Who are you?" I smiled "I am the princess." All anyone could do was watch helplessly as Jayden and I disappeared before their eyes.

What's Up With Jayden? (A Power Rangers Samurai Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt