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I wak around trying to find the kitchen. My father who I started callining Frank left hours ago. "I've found it" I cheer looking through and fridge and freezer. I find lots of food and dishes I eventually decide on cookies and cream icecream. After I finish it I look around for things to do
I stumble across what must have been my bedroom. After the divorce my dad only had custody in weekend's. But it stopped because one night he came home drunk and tried to rape me. If Troy wasn't there he would have. I didn't understand what he was doing to me tell much later.

Flash back

"Daddy what's wrong".
"Ssh my little pretty".
"Daddy stop your hurting my arm ow".
"Stop" troy said.
Then he pulls him off and runs with me.
End of flash back

I forgave him I don't know why but I did. My wall's are blue and black and have porters on them of animals and such. My bedding is cats and other animals.only a few stiffed animals lay on the bed and floor.

Emma's pov(she's the mom)
"Please she's been gone for two days" I say to the police. "Were still looking and talking to get friends" says officer Remly. Then Tracey walks in, she has been gone all week cause of a school trip so she dosnt know. "What's going on" she she asks. "I think we'll go" Telly says as he and his partner walk out. "Sweetie your sister.........she's been .......................
kidnapped" I say holding back the tears I didn't know I still had. I watch her face fall and watch her blink trying to stop her self from crying but it dosnt work. "Wh......what" She shrieks. I pull her into a warm embrace and we booth start crying. "Have you surched his house" she says gesturing Frank's house "Trance was always his favorite". "Not yet but soon" I say hopefull that she'll be back and he'll be behind bars. The kids don't know but the reason I left him was because he was very abusive.

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