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The note reads ' your outburst really motavaited me to hit her. But also to video tape her. You don't understand what she means to me. You never did then you took her along with my other children. You'll pay. Don't even bother with a picture or bringing it to the police cause the last about my children will fade away. Be greatfull for the video's'. I run back to Trances room and look for the book she was reading before she was taken. I run back and set it on the steps with a note of my own. It says ' this is her book she's uppsessed with reading please give it to her. What do you want, I'll give you anything just give me my daughter'. "Mom he's right about the picture and its starting to disapear"  Tracey yells as i walk into the living room. "CRASH" (glass shattering). I scream with Tracey for a couple minutes but what felt like hours. I walk over to the note, once we calm down. It says 'Sure i'll give her the book. The vidoes will be dayly  it' ll give  something to do, she seems a little depressed latley. Its on your steps'.  I ran outside and noticed the book was gone, and a VHS tape is sitting in its place. I thought we were the only ones who still use ours, because they quit making the players and the tapes. I put it in the player and get on the couch with Tracey. "say something into the camera. But anything about me or ware you are youll regret it" a male voice says to Trance who i see sitting on a chair in a basement. "Hi mommy your no dout watching. Hi Charles, hi Tracey, hi Troy. I miss you. Please know i dont sleep down here. And im being fed. Say hi to Bailey for me. Im sorry this happened. Im sorry your being put through this. Im fine sometimes F- lets call them Gordie. Sometimes Gordie will bring pictures and videos of all you. Troy i hope you had fun on your date. Tell Nancy i siad hi. I love and miss you all". She blows kisses before the camera cuts. She was lying when she said she was fine. I saw the bruises and cuts. Oh my god, my poor little baby. She sent a secret message only me and Tracey and Troy can understand. Frank bought her a goldfish named Gordie. She left him in his basement over the summer and he died. "She's in Franks basement".

Sorry about mistakes im typing at school and my ipads brocken and glitchy. Also im sorry i havent updated in awhile. Thanks for reading.

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