Episode 19: Unexpected Guests

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Aaron VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Allie: "It's Chwistmas!"

Ritchie: "What about the, um, e-l-v-e-s?"

Sean: "What the hell is wrong with you, Ndebele?"

Aaron: "I don't know!"

Eruvanda: "We have ceased the campaign against the Power Rangers."

Ragnar: "I have no need for you."

(Arquen and Eruvanda escape, and teleport to Madison, making their way to Sean's house)

Arquen: "Sean O'Callahan?"

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 19: Unexpected Guests

:Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 19: Unexpected Guests

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Alfheim awoke to chaos.

Military vehicles and personnel unexpectedly rolled through the streets. Citizens waking up to this watched in shock. Soldiers and Suitroops ran into and out of buildings, coming out either empty-handed or dragging someone in handcuffs with them. They came and went like clockwork, leaving grieving and confused families... assuming they didn't take the rest of their families.

Not even the Cabinet was left alone. The Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister and the Finance Minister were all seen being dragged out of their homes by Suitroops and soldiers, their families in tow.

Looking for answers, thousands of elves gathered in Celeborn Square, named for one of the great states-elves considered the father of the modern Elven government. Elrond may have united the the many Elven kingdoms, and thus is considered the father of the Elven nation, but it was Celeborn who laid the foundation for the inner-workings of modern Elven government, the one who came up with the idea of a Parliament, and theorized and put into practice many of the government's duties, all of this under King Fingon.

Now Rangar stood in front of his statue, its stone eyes cast downward at him almost in disapproval. Perhaps because he would know what Ragnar was doing, and would have vehemently disapproved. Like Ragnar cared. After all, the government structure Celeborn helped create helped make this moment possible.

"Yesterday, Queen Eruvanda II of the House of Oberon," he started, "Declared me an enemy of the elven people. However, our soldiers bravely resisted, and chased the Queen from the Palace, and certainly into human hands. Now, it is without a doubt that the Queen intended to betray us to the humans, and whatever comes next, we must face it head-on!

"As of this moment, I have declared a state of emergency. My personnel have searched for politicians loyal to the Queen, and will arrest them. Please remain calm and stay in your homes. Our military has things under control and we will soon have order. As of this moment, I reluctantly declare that I will assume control of the government until the emergency is over.

"Every hour, every day, think of our Elven State and the Elven People! We serve a greater cause, to restore our species and state to its rightful place as the dominant species of our fair earth, and to do so, we must stand up to the humans, who sully our beautiful world with their violent savagery and disregard for our planet's health!"

Ragnar raised his hand and continued speaking. "This is a joyous occasion," he began. "Let us not dwell on the Queen's betrayal of elf-kind. Instead, let us forge ahead and defend our home against the encroaching humans! Follow me and I shall be the leader who will triumph over the humans! We will make elf-kind great again!" The elves roared in approval. Ragnar smiled. Just as planned.

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