Episode 22: The Magnificent Seven

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Kevin VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Doctor: "They're okay."

Arquen: "I saved all of you."

Sean: "I feel like I can get back out there and kick some ass!"

Ragnar: "It is your move now, Arquen and Eruvanda."

Aaron: "I don't want to be a Power Ranger anymore!"

Ragnar: "Show... no... mercy!"

Arquen: "We will leave them tomorrow."

Daisuke: "I am here to volunteer my services."

Sean: (To Arquen) "What are you prepared to do?"

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 22: The Magnificent Seven

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

It was a gray Christmas Eve morning. A light snowfall was coming down, dusting the already-plowed streets with more snow. The Ranger house was quiet, save for the two elven houseguests who'd woken up early today so they could leave before the Rangers caught on. They intended to surrender to end further bloodshed and to redeem themselves for their role in the battle with the Power Rangers.

Arquen felt guilty for attempting to kill the Power Rangers and other actions he'd done over the past several months. Eruvanda felt guilty for approving the whole campaign and letting Commander Ragnar play her like a fiddle so he could have his war. They held each other's gaze for a moment. It was a silent assurance that they were there for each other and a game of chicken, too. But they were not going to stop this.

They left a note on the coffee table and took each other's hands as they walked out the door.

At the Capitol, word had gotten to Ragnar that Arquen and Eruvanda were on their way to the State Capitol in order to surrender themselves. Immediately the activity at the State Capitol picked up and the elven soldiers and Suitroops rushed into position for the coming treasonous pair. The only ones not excited not excited were Phaedos and Tirna, who desperately wanted to kill the Power Rangers.

Ragnar stepped out of the Capitol building into the bitter cold of this Friday morning. The pair had been taken somewhere near the University campus. It would only be a matter of time before they arrived.

A scout on top of the Capitol spotted them coming east down State Street. Ragnar smiled to himself. "Checkmate, Eruvanda," he said to himself. The solider led Arquen and Eruvanda onto the Capitol Square while Ragnar walked confidently down the steps on the west side of the Capitol with a smile on his face.

Both of them had their heads down, but looked very defiant either way. Ah, defiance in the face of death, such a noble way to go. "Are you ready to surrender?" he asked to taunt them.

"We already did," said Eruvanda. "Ragnar, you can do what you like with us, but please recall your soldiers, Suitroops and leave this city."

"I will consider it," said Ragnar, "But you are in no position to give me orders. Perhaps if you said the magic words."


"Much better," said Ragnar. He turned and walked away while two Suitroops walked forward to apprehend them. "Do you have any last words?" he asked.

A crowd had formed behind the police barricades, which in turn, were guarded by Suitroops. Several figures with jacket hoods over their heads moved into position in the crowd to watch what was going to happen. None of them were noticed by the Suitroops. One of them tapped on something on their wrist for a moment before they looked up.

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