New girl in the squad

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Kristina pov

I'm in the mall right now and I see the girl I faught in freshman year but in school she was ratchet but she look more prettier.Imma go speak

kris:hey sha'mya

sha:omg is that you

kris:yes girl how you been

sha:good,Im actually getting help and I am so sorry for treating you wrong in highschool

kris:girl its ok.lets talk about our life now you wanna go to the food court

sha:yea let me get my daughter

kris:you got a kid I do too but I just had her

sha:you did ok here I come


Sha:so how long ago did you have your baby

kris:its been about 1 month now

sha:wow whats her name

kris:chrissyana Jayla brown

sha:dont tell me that chris brown her daddy

kris:yes,so how old your daughter

sha:she just turned 1 and her name is Isabella talia Johnson

kris:thats cute and she look just like you

sha:thank you and here go my number

kris:thanks here go mine but I'm about to go in about an hour I want you to see the girls and chris and the baby I'll text you the address

sha:ok by

we gave each other a hug and left but hope she don't start shit cause that stuff in highschool she did was wrong she said that I slept with every boy in school,but imma give her a chance



when I walk up to the room this girl was in my room with my baby in her lap and he was all up on her


Chris:Babe its not what it look like

kris:it is what look like and why do you have my god damn baby in your hand

girl:dont talk shit I'll beat your ass and you forgot its the girl from mcdonalds

kris:oh chris this how you gon can you explain to me why you with her

chrisL:well I was in the store she saw me and spoke to me and then she followed me here then she knock on the door and then she push the door open and she said if I didn't let her in she would say I raped her to the police

kris;well I don't care chris I'm leaving for a couple days

chris:babe no

kris:chris let her call the police you don't wont to cheat

And baby please don't go you don't have to stay in my room you can just go to the guest room if you want
Kris:Chris I don't know but in about 30 min my old enemy and is coming over here and the girls and bitch get the fuck out my house why the fuck you still here.
Girl:bitch my name is kalani
Kris:well kalani get out my house cause you don't belong to Chris or my family
So when she left I got in to a group chat with the girls
Group chat
Dyanor=Nora 😂
Abrielle=Bri 💯
Maleny=Mal ❤️
Me:y'all can y'all come over to meet somebody
Bri 💯:yea we coming
Mal ❤️:yea we on our way
Nora 😂:yea we will be there in 15 min
Me:ok bring y'all swimming suits

So after I got off the phone I went to go take yana a bath. I put on her pink Jordan onesie with her pink and black socks.
I heard the door bell ring while I was feeding yana. I opened the door and was the girls
Nora:look at my niece she so cute
Bri:I know so how you been
Kris:good but I'm a tell you about Christopher
Mel:ooo girl what who do
Kris:I'll tell you about it later but I'm waiting on somebody y'all know but it's been so long since y'all saw her.
Nora:I'm guessing she's at the door now
Kris:do not say anything smart Nora cause that attitude you got is horrible so let's do this

Dyanor pov
It was that bitch sha'mya I hate her but beside I'll give her try she look prettier
Sha:omg hey girls wait Nora did you cut your hair off

She acting like she been our friend for years bish no
Nora:yes I did and how you been
Sha:great taking care of my daughter
Nora:you have a child omg what's her name
Sha:Isabella taila Johnson here go a pic of her
Nora:she so pretty
Kris:so sha you want to see the baby
Sha:omg yess

Kristina pov
I showed her the baby and she just kept on holding her and making her laugh

Sha:ong I love your baby she is so cute
Kris:thank u
Mel:umm Chris fine yea now look at that baby
Kris:no she look good cause of me

Chris pov
I could hear them talking about who the baby get her look from and I decided to say she get it from me
Chris:"cleared his throat"yes that baby get her fineness from me
Kris:Wyd you was listening to everything
Chris:yay y'all loud asf
Mel:see I told you
Kris:no no no Mel don't be flirting with my man
Bri:girl but look at him you are so darn lucky to be having this and it's his baby yes boo of course he is fine
Kris:ok Ladies can you excuse me I have to talk to Chris

Kris:don't you ever bring some nasty trick in this house I don't care if it's your house it's both of ours yes you bought it but we have a kid to take care of not no trick
Chris:babe like I said I was sorry next time I will look through the peak hole and look
Kris:ok you know I play hard to get so if you ever do this to me again it will hard to get me back do you understand
Chris:yes ma'am now give me kiss
So after I told them about Chris they left and I made dinner

Long chapter

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