new friend guy and jealousy 2/2 long chapter

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Kristina pov

''mommy mommy the baby is crying and someone is at the door mommy'' baby voice.

me:ok sweatie here I come go give your sister her passy fire while I get the door

''ok mommy''





oh okay as I open the door OO he is sexy but i'm sorry guys he still not sexy then chris but fine

me:good morning wayne come in I said while giving him a hug

wayne:morning beautiful 

yall know how lightskin I am so my face was red.

wayne:you turning red ma dang are you ok''laughing''

me:yea i'm fine just kinda just woke up so yea,''lying ass''

wayne:i'm sorry should I go

me:no stay here,since the party starts at 3 pm but its only 9 I should make breakfast 

wayne:oh okay and I know you like me

me:ok thats what you say,hold on let go get these kids 

wayne:yea I get to see them 

10 min later

wayne:hi cutie 

yana:hi mommy who is this boy

me:thats mommy friend wayne

yana:hi my name chrissyana jayla brown but you can call me yana ''she was real sassy''

me:''laughing'' omg really you are 2 how the heck did you that

yana:well my grawndma taught me how to approach people like that

wayne:you learn fast,can I hold her 


yana:her name is kaliyana jaylen brown but you can call her kali like California 

wayne:you are cool want to be my friend


me:ok calm down and go clean your toys up while I make breakfast 

yana:but mommy I dont want to I want to be with my friends 

me:no do what I said or you going to be in trouble 


me:if you dont clean them toys up now chrissyana jayla brown. she known when I called her ,her full name.

wayne:wow you have beautiful kids 

me:thank yo-- ring ring exuse me

I had a incoming call with chris


hey kristina 


what you doing

nothing making breakfast and i know you want something

omg you smart but I was wondering If you can come help with the stuff for the party 

yea what time cause i'm bringing a new friend I met at the mall

ok did you tell momma about that friend

yea she said I could bring a friend

oh the time is 1

ok dang its 11 ok I will be there around 1:20 cause my kids got to eat and me

Playing hard to get(completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora