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Nightmist: Hi! Back again! This time I have all of ThunderClan with me! Except Jayfeather because he is who we have to annoy!

Firestar: We are having a party! :D

Everyone: YAY!

Nightmist: With lots of ginger ale 'cuz Jay hates it! >:)

Everyone: YAY!

Brambleclaw: And no Doritos since Jay loves them.

Everyone: Awww! :'(

Brambleclaw: But don't worry! I'll buy a bag of Doritos for each of you, except Jay.

Everyone: YAY!

Squirrelflight: *Checks her phone* Jayfeather just texted. He said he'd be back at about 12:30. It's 12.

Everyone: :O

Nightmist: How can Jay text? HE'S BLIND!


Nightmist and Brambleclaw: Yes Firestar! :)

Squirrelflight: *Glares at Nightmist* Stay away from my Bramble.

Nightmist: >:( I wasn't flirting with him or anything! Besides, who would flirt with Brambleclaw? He's too... ew.

Brambleclaw: >:(

¤¤¤ 12:30 ¤¤¤

Everyone is at the party, even Bluestar, Spottedleaf, Yellowfang, and Ashfur because they thought it would be cool to go to and screw logic (even though they are in StarClan).

Brambleclaw: *Drinking ginger ale*

Jayfeather: *Arrives* Hey, guys. What's going... hey, is that... Lady Gaga? *Start's dancing*

Nightmist: *Sprays ginger ale all over Jayfeather*

Jayfeather: *Stops dancing* *Sniffs* That isn't ginger ale, is it?

Nightmist: Yup :D

Jayfeather: *Starts going insane* RINSE ME OFF!

Leafpool: Nope! :)

Jayfeather: -_- Do we at least have Doritos?

Hollyleaf: No.

Jayfeather: Screw you all!

Squirrelflight: *Starts twerking (because she would totally do that)* WHOO!

Jayfeather: Do cats twerk at this party?

Brambleclaw: Sometimes.

Jayfeather: Ugh. I don't know you. *Hobbles to his den*

Ashfur: Not so fast, buddy! *Honks clown horn in Jay's ear because Ashfur is in fact, a clown*

Jayfeather: Gah! I may be blind but I am not deaf! Now move! *Shoves Ashfur aside* *Goes in den* *Curls up in nest*

Ashfur: *Turn the music up, guys! He's about to go to sleep.

Jayfeather: *Covers ears* No...

*Music intensifies and turns up* *Random Taylor Sucky song comes on*

Jayfeather: Ooh! Is that TAYLOR SWIFT?! Bah! I don't care. I wanna sleep.

Everyone parties through the night (except Jay, who didn't get a wink of sleep because of the awesome party with ginger ale). Everyone was passed out except Nightmist, Brambleclaw, and Squirrelflight.

Nightmist: Well, that was fun.

Brambleclaw: Yep. We should do it again sometime.

Jayfeather: No, we should not.

Squirrelflight: Well, that's all f...

Nightmist: NO! THAT'S MY LINE! *Shoves Squirrelflight aside* ANYWAY! That's all for now. Be sure to comment on how we should annoy Jay next. And leave suggestions about what spoof book I should do next. 'Bye!

Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight: GOODBYE!

Jayfeather: Grrr...

100 Ways to Annoy JayfeatherWhere stories live. Discover now