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"Am I forever useless and nonfunctional as a human?" I had asked myself, staring into the two-way mirror one sunlit morning. My reflection looked back at me, tears in its eyes. It tried to reach out, but hit the glass instead. She sighed, a long, drawn out sound, and looked back at me.

"Yes, I forever will be a dysfunctional human." Or rather, a dysfunctional reflection.

"You had waited so long, to finally have more friends, and yet, who would ever associate with someone like us, and our wibbily wobily emotions?" The truth hurt, that's for sure. Not one person in a century would come near us and stay, after discovering the mirror with which we communicated. It was a strange thing, tinted both gold and purple at the edges of the polished glass, platinum formed into snakes bordering and containing the mirror.

The spectacle had serious effects on our bodily and mental health. After using the mirror, one of us would get sick, the other would be writhing on the ground, the feeling of your body pulling itself apart at the seams. Some other day, I would be filled with the darkest and deadliest thoughts, the only one protecting me and others from myself, would be the one on the other side, who would then be the calmest most tranquil thing that ever existed.

We kept each other in check, keeping each other from going off the deep end and possibly murdering someone. The strange thing is, we never knew who was on which side. Who was the reflection, in the Evitisop Htrae world, and who was in the world of Earth Positive. Earth Positive is where most people believe they reside, with the sun as the source of light, and all the green grass and fluffy animals you could see. Evitisop Htrae, however, was the exact opposite. All the animals with fur in the world where you readers live, were bare, and freakishly twisted, into the types of creatures they call The Barren Ones. These, unlike fluffy squirrels and dogs, were the most vicious things in existence.

"Alright, well, not much to do about other people. They don't understand the whole 'Multiple Universe' theory, especially when we're talking about communication through some universes. It's not something that's within their realm of comprehension." Whenever we get to this point, discussing other people's minds, I try to change the topic, often failing. After all the bickering we do, we can only rarely find the common ground for what most people would deem 'normal'. That's our constant problem. People are just too strange.

"Well, regardless of what people understand, we get it. That's all that matters. Our reasoning isn't much better than theirs, in the first place," ah, yes. The point where she questions me. 'love' it. Every time we begin to argue, she begins with asking something random.

"Where did you even find this mirror?! I was told that the other half belonged to someone who was royal! Sure as hell wasn't over on my side! And your room! it is the entirety of your house! You are the farthest thing from royal ever, Positive Emma!" She shouted at me, the glass between us reverberating with the force of her voice. I gently rested my hand on the heated glass, it cooled almost instantly.

"Don't get mad at the glass, it didn't do anything. I'll tell you, just not now, okay? I have to go meet my brothers now. They're the only ones who talk to us, remember that." They value punctuality over most other things, anyways. And it's never good to disappoint a commander of a whole platoon of the royal guard... "Anyways, I'll be going now, okay Amme? I'll check in to see you later," I stated, not waiting for a reply, and bustling out the door after putting the mirror back in the cabinet.

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