Perhaps not...

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This is the first time I've thought this, for a long time... But maybe... Just maybe, I'm not cut out for writing full stories like this...

My sister and I have an issue... I can start things, but I never have the drive to finish them. My sister, though, never has the drive to start things, but CAN finish them. I would gladly have her finish this story, along with my others, but it would never be the same... 

Perhaps I wasn't meant to be a writer, I mean, I tried to use it to blow off steam from stuff that happens in my life, but I feel it just adds more on...

Perhaps not this, perhaps some other outlet, like a short story, or my poems, but not a full story. Not even a fanfic, I'm afraid.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

I'm sorry to all my readers, who genuinely love my works, and I'm sorry to my father, a novelist for superhero stories. I'm sorry to my friends who encouraged me to do this, and above all... I'm sorry to myself. 


I never meant for this to happen, I had always wanted to write a story... But not even the current love of my life, would be able to help me through this rut called writers' block. This is unfair to him, and to my friends, unfair to my father, and myself.

But most of all, unfair to you lot, my beautiful readers.

I hope I pick this story up again, someday. I hope I can, one day, finish it. All I can say now, though, is that I've had it with trying to write a full story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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