Chapter 5, The Meaning Of Names

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We stood there, going against each other for what felt like minutes, but was three whole hours. Clashing blades, the shine of the metal, the adrenaline that pumped through our ears, everything was entrancing. It was hard to keep a smile off my face, as I was dueling for practice, as it might be the one activity I love more than reading. When we really did separate for the last time, it was because Ragde had come up to the doorway.

"A'ight, ladies, 'e've got some tasks. Akinna, your group is 'eady for ye when ya want to go fer your patrol." Akinna nodded, and gave me an apologetic look, and dashed off after exchanging a few words with Ragde.

"Okay, Emma, your task is to learn the meanings of your an' Angelo's names."

"Our.... Names? Why is that important, it's just a name..." I muttered in response, confused. Last I checked, names were just names, with no real meaning...

"Oh, names 'ave a lot o' power, Emma. Don' underestimate 'em." Ragde scolded, a very sincere frown on his face, as though I were a young child whom had just shaved half his facial hair off.

"Well, if it's that important, I suppose we might as well do some research in the library. Right Emma? Not that hard, we simply have to find the books." Angelo had walked up behind me, startling me, though he had a point.

"Good idea. Well, then, Radge. We'll be off now." Giving a small smile, I dashed off, Angelo hot on my heels.

Walking through the halls in silence, there was neither hide nor tail of anyone in the tunnels. "Come to think of it... What time is it, Angelo? It, surely, can't be that late..." Looking up at a clock, it showed 1 o' clock. The only true question is, day or night?

"To be honest, I have no clue as to what it is. But really, so many clocks... How much do you think they spent on them? They seem pretty simple, but on a closer look... " He hopped up, grabbing the clock from the tunnel wall, "They actually have some weird runes on them. This must make them at least a bit valuable..."

Giggling, I whispered, "Oh, reverting to the tradesman act, are we? Put it back, things with runes shouldn't be messed with, and we have to actually get to the library." Eyes twinkling with mischief, it was obvious that Angelo meant to come back and tamper with them. I suppose I'll be keeping the key under my pillow tonight.

After he put the clock back in place, we padded on, quietly coming to the library;, and looking for the register, with the index. Glancing around, I noticed a woman leaning on a desk, a few dozen candles around her, she seemed like the uttermost bored person I had seen in The Nest yet.

"Hello, could you help us?" I asked, standing in front of her, innocently twirling my skirt as I stood. She looked up, blinking, and placed some spectacles on her nose, as to better observe her new visitors.

"OH! You're the girl who came from another world... Of course, what do you need help with, I know all the books and sections in this library." Stating this cheerfully, she popped into a standing position, overjoyed at the fact that there were actual people in her domain, where she could be of use.

"Yeah, we're looking for books on the meanings of names. Think you could give us a hand?" Angelo asked, giving one of his signature smiles. Honestly, he relies too much on his looks.

Nonetheless, the librarian flushed a deep, rosy pink, and nodded. She stuttered out, "Y-yes, o-of course! This way, to the 'Mythical And Mystical' section. You should be able to find what you need here, women's names on the right-hand side of the third shelf, men's names on the left. D-don't hesitate to call me if you need anything else."

"Thank you miss. You've been a great help." Smiling sweetly as she turned away, the smile faded away as she got out of view. "Well, now, that was interesting. I'm quite sure you didn't need to use your charm for something as simple that." Angelo rolled his eyes, as he turned away to look for his own name among the men's books.

"Yeah, sure, but maybe you could use your charm a bit more often. It'd be easier for everyone but the enemies. They'd be too charmed, with both of us, our looks would stump them. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves." It was my turn to roll my eyes, and have a look-see for a book containing 'E' names. Surprisingly, it was only the third book in the shelving. Flipping through the book, to the 'EM' section, I scanned the fifteenth page, and found it.

"'Emma. Name origin, England. Common gender association, female. Meaning: Healer of the universe.' Woah, this is... interesting. Angelo, what does your name mean?" Sighing, I looked over at him, as he was staring at his book with a blank expression. "Everything alright, there, Angelo?"

Shaking his head roughly, he glanced around at his surroundings, almost as though he had forgotten where he was. "Wh-what? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. You asked what was in my book, right?"

I nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "Yes, i did. Go on."

"Ahem... 'Angelo. Name origin, Greece. Common gender association, male. Meaning: God's messenger.' I don't get it, what could this mean? We both have names that have something to do with some sort of divine essences, but why...?" He shook his head, defeated.

"Well, maybe Ragde knows what it means. It does seem likely. Why do you think he sent us to figure out our names?" Content, I shut the books and put them back in their holes on the bookshelves. 'Now that that's over, maybe we can go see what else is going on...' I thought to myself. Stalking out of the library, I wandered the halls, poking my head into each of the rooms.

The halls were strangely empty, for I saw only one other person in them as I was exploring, and that was in the great hall. None of the other rooms had anyone in them, so I headed back to the room Angelo and I were given. Relaxing into a quiet doze, I lay there, as the sound of footsteps approached. 

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