"The runaway"

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Laurent's POV
Larry finally left this morning after the awkward period of silence. When Larry left I noticed that he was dragging his feet and playing with his fingers (he always does that when he's nervous or sad). His head was hanging as if someone cut his throat and left it hanging from his lifeless body. He never looked so upset before, which made me worry even more from the fact that I was already worried. I got up, got dressed and made breakfast. I only made Larry some and then I left a note. I couldn't help the fact that my brother was upset so I went out to get my mind off of things. I went to Larry's room before I left to see if he was okay. I knocked on the door... no answer... I knocked a second time...no answer... I finally just opened the door and went inside. Larry was nowhere to be found.I walked in the bathroom... He wasn't there either. I stood there with a confused face trying to figure out where he could be this early.
Authors POV
Laurent quickly grabbed his jacket and noticed that Larry's jacket was still on the jacket hanger in the kitchen. He then ran outside into the pouring rain to look for his brother. He walked around the neighborhood to see if he was near by. He couldn't find him. Laurent ran back to his house to get his car. Laurent took off as fast as he could to look for Larry. He drove everywhere until he stopped at an old gas station that had no cars, no food, no gas, but his brother. He found Larry sitting on the side walk in front of the entrance door. Laurent parked the car and ran to Larry.

Laurent:"Bro why you leave!? You no tell me"
Larry: "I no need to tell you everything, I'm not you girlfriend." Larry said in a mocking voice.
Laurent:"..Look bro..I ...I'm sorr-"
Larry:" No! No sorry. I tired of you and you sorry."You no love me, you love you self!"
Laurent sat there in shock not knowing what to say. He never knew Larry felt this way or even cared this much. Laurent saw that Larry was soaking and his twist were in his face soaked with rain.
Laurent:" Larry you no have you jacket.?" "Let's got, before you get sick."
Larry:" I no go no where with you."
Laurent:" No time for fight Larry, come on." Laurent then gripped Larry's wrist.
Larry suddenly got up and slipped from Laurent's grip then took off. Laurent jumped in his car and started to follow Larry.

Larry's POV
I took off running after Laurent tried to "help" me. He don't care about anybody but him. He never love me.......
I continued running until I heard sirens. "Weeeewhooo!" "Weeeewhoo" at first I though it was Laurent making noises acting like he on drugs. But I turned my head and saw a police car following Laurent. Laurent pulled over and the police stopped. I suddenly started to run again until I was at the house. I unlocked the door and ran upstairs with my soaking clothes.I tried my best to get up the stairs as fast as possible but my clothes were weighing me down. I walked into my room and took off all my wet clothes. I threw them on the floor then headed towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower water then suddenly heard a door slam. I stopped the shower and locked the bathroom door. I heard footsteps and then I heard my door. "BOOM!" I got scared when I heard the door click(Click=Someone locked the door). I had no idea if it was Laurent or someone trying to sneak into the house. I grabbed my towel and slowly got out of the shower. I pressed my ear and my chest up against the door to hear what was going on.

Hopefully that was interesting? I'm really tired so I should go to sleep before I start to sound insane and make no sense.😂💜😘

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